It's not sex unless you take your clothes off

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The locker room is filled with the sound of clanking lockers and the musky scent of sweat and determination. Spencer, the star quarterback, sits on the bench, removing his cleats. His teammates, Jake and Tyler, approach him, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "So, Spence, when are you gonna make a move on Nicky?"

Spencer looks up, a frown creasing his forehead. "I don't know, guys. Nicky's... different."

"Different good, man! She's hot, and she's into you. What's the holdup?" Spencer shakes his head, his hands fidgeting with his cleats. "It's not that simple. Nicky's not just some girl I can mess around with."

"Oh, come on! Since when did Spencer 'The Rocket' Rodriguez start chickening out?" Spencer stands up, his height towering over his teammates. "It's not about chickening out. I respect Nicky. And I don't want to rush things just because you guys think I should."

"Dude, I think our boy here's got it bad for her." Jake nods, a smirk spreading across his face. "So, what? Are you in love with her or something?" 

Spencer's face turns a shade redder, and he looks away. "I don't know... maybe. I just don't want to screw it up."

"Hey, we're just messing with you. But seriously, if you like her, you should tell her. Life's too short, man." Spencer nods, a thoughtful look on his face. "And if you love her, bed her."

"Okay, now you're crossing the line. Let's go." The three of them leave the locker room, the sound of their laughter echoing behind them. 


Spencer and Conrad's house had always been party central. But this time, it's on the more wholesome side. The party is in full swing, with music thumping through the speakers and the football team celebrating their latest win. Spencer is leaning against the wall, a solo cup in hand, scanning the crowd. He spots Nicky across the room, laughing with a group of friends. Taking a deep breath, he makes his way over.

"Hey, Nicky. Can we talk?" Nicky looks up, her smile fading slightly as she excuses herself from her friends. "Sure, Spencer. What's up?" They move to a quieter corner of the room, the noise of the party dulling to a background hum.

"I've been meaning to... uh, talk to you about something." Nicky tilts her head, her expression encouraging. "Go on, I'm listening." Spencer fidgets with his cup, avoiding eye contact. "It's just that... the guys think I should... you know, make a move on you."

Nicky's eyebrows raise, a hint of discomfort crossing her face. "Oh? And what do you think?" Spencer's face turns red, and he finally meets her gaze. "I think... I think I don't want to mess up whatever this is between us by rushing into something."

Nicky's expression softens, and she touches his arm lightly. "Spencer, I appreciate that. Really, I do." There's an awkward silence as they both search for words. "I like you, Nicky. But not because of what anyone else thinks."

Nicky smiles, the tension easing between them. "I like you too, Spencer. And I'm glad you want to take things slow." They share a smile, the awkwardness melting away into a comfortable silence. "So we're good?"

"We're good." They rejoin the party together, their steps a little lighter.


The party has dwindled to a few lingering groups, the music now a soft melody floating in the background. Spencer and Nicky stand slightly apart from the others, near the edge of the pool, the moonlight casting a gentle glow on the water's surface. "It's nice out here, isn't it?"

Nicky nods, wrapping her arms around herself as a cool breeze passes. "Yeah, it's beautiful." They share a moment of silence, looking at the stars. Spencer takes a step closer. "Nicky, about earlier... I meant what I said."

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