The art of not giving a fuck

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Hayley wakes up in the middle of the classroom. "Miss Montgomery!" Mr. Schue says as in her startled state, the heavy book beside her falls to the tile floor, leaving a stinging slap in the air. Her head had jerked up instantly, red from the lack of sleep and the weed she took didn't help either. 

The bounding in her chest at the loud noise trickled down to her stomach as her ears and eyes try to assimilate to her surroundings. Mr. Schue was standing beside her desk with a rather unimpressed look on his face, shaking his head at the student's lack of interest in the class. 

She couldn't even look at him in the eye with how much embarrassment she had at that moment. She could hear the classroom echo with the laughs of the students, including Gabby, who was more than amused. It made it ten times worse, considering the fact that she even pushed the desk away from her during her out-of-body experience.

She ducked her head and quickly picked up her textbook, trying to block her red face from the other students. How are they supposed to envy her if they're laughing at her? 

"Hayley, do you know where we are in the book?" Mr. Schue asked, clearly showing his irritation with the student. "N-no, sir." She whispered in embarrassment. Mr. Schue picks up the book and flips it to the correct page and drop it down on her desk. "Try to keep up." She quickly nodded, glancing around at her sides to see student still smirking at her demise. 

 Mr. Schuester, the bane of my existence

She writes in her notebook, along with her other notes about teachers, students and staff. Practically everybody she knows. She likes to write these notes down in her gossip book, which was considered her burn book, sort of. She looked at the page about Gabby, which had all types of notes scribbled on it.

Gabby can go fuck herself. She is nothing but a stupid, skanky, whiny, bitch. She's dogshit next to me.

What she didn't know is that Gabby was glancing over her shoulder, seeing the notes she took about her and other students. 

Stupid Hayley

Why should you ruin your life like this?



Rachel wakes up and slowly makes her way out of bed. She goes to look for her husband, who is in the living room. He was still upset over the argument that he and Gabby had the night before. "You have to accept the fact that we're moving, Gabby."

"Why? Why should we leave? I made my place here, I have my friends. How will this benefit me?"

"This will benefit us. Come on, Lima is a great place."

"I don't wanna be a Lima loser!" Finn is sitting looking thoughtful and Rachel comes up to him. She plants a kiss on his cheek, making him smile a bit. "What if Gabby was right?" He asks his wife. "Right about what?" Rachel asks him.

"She's 13. We're having her move to another state, go to a place that she knows nobody, you're having a baby after 11 years. Isn't this too much change for somebody her age?"

"Come on, there's nothing a little change won't do. Plus, once she sees the benefits of moving there, she'll rethink it. Trust me, she's going to be fine." Rachel plants another kiss on her cheek. "It's going to be fine, I promise.

Present day

I still hate this place

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