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"You know, Ruby, there's something about Andy... I can't stop thinking about him."

"Oh? And what is it about Andy that's got you all distracted?"

"Well, it's just... he's got this vibe, you know? He's confident, but not arrogant. And those eyes... when he smiles, it's like the whole room lights up."

"Sounds like someone has a bit of a crush."

"Is it that obvious? Yeah, I think he's incredibly hot. There's just something about him that's so... captivating."

"It's great that you can see that, Ollie. And who knows? Maybe Andy feels the same way. Have you thought about talking to him?"

"I've thought about it, but I'm not sure if he's... well, if he's into guys."

"You'll never know unless you try. And whatever happens, I've got your back."

"Thanks, Ruby. That means a lot."


Andy comes up to Conrad who's with Gabby at lunch. He says firmly, with a bit of vulnerability. "Conrad, we need to talk. Right here, right now."

"What's this about, Andy?"

"It's about how you've been treating me." He glances at Gabby. "In front of everyone, acting like I don't exist, like what we had meant nothing. I'm tired of the games, Conrad. I'm tired of being your secret."

"Andy, it's complicated. You know that."

"Complicated? Or are you just scared? Scared of what people might say if they knew the real you?"

"I... I don't know. I'm just trying to figure things out."

"Well, while you're figuring it out, you're hurting people. You're hurting me. And I can't keep doing this."

"I know. I just... I need time."

"Time is all you've ever asked for. But I can't wait forever." He pauses for a bit, seeing Gabby's pained expression. "I deserve better. We both do." Andy walks away, leaving Conrad to reflect on his words. 


"Don't! You keep saying we should start over while you're screwing with someone else? I actually thought you loved me!"

"I do. It's just..."

"Don't come at me with your bullshit. Whatever we were is over!" She gets her stuff and leaves. How can one go from 2 lovers to none in less than 24 hours?



A few years earlier, at a bustling school event. Andy bumps into someone by accident, which results to be Conrad. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't see—"

"No worries. It's pretty crowded here." Andy, noticing Conrad's friendly demeanor, says: "I'm Andy. I don't think we've met before."

"I'm Conrad. Yeah, I'm new here. Just transferred."

"Well, welcome to the chaos. Need a guide?"

"That'd be great, actually." They walk off together, chatting and laughing, an instant connection forming between them. 

As Andy and Conrad navigated the complexities of high school life, their relationship began to shift. Initially, they connected over shared interests and a mutual understanding that felt almost serendipitous. However, as they grew, so did the pressures around them.

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