❊ | chapter 1

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❛ a pretty cool november day ❜

"can you believe that bullshit?" chuuya was ranting about his annoying maths teacher, "i did everything correctly, but she marked my work as incorrect. she wants me to fail so badly. hoes mad."

dazai was just listening to everything chuuya ranted about.

"honestly, i agree with you. she did the same with me," dazai said and sighed, clearly annoyed, "she can't do her job properly, when will she finally great fired?"

"i want to know that too!" chuuya exclaimed.

chuuya suddenly shivered from a wind blowing on him, "i regret not wearing a warmer coat."

"i'd give you mine but," dazai started before looking down at his coat before looking back at chuuya, "i'm afraid it might be too big for you, and either way i'm gonna be the one freezing next."

chuuya sighed, "it's alright. i'm just gonna try to survive this annoying cold."

but, chuuya can't. his body can't survive colds cause he is more used to the warm. so chuuya has nothing left but to hope that he won't get sick.

dazai was on his phone all warm, but chuuya was shivering. their bus was 17 minutes away so chuuya probably will freeze to death by that time.

while both of the males were waiting for their bus, another guy got here. none of the two noticed the black haired man, but he did notice dazai and chuuya.

the black haired man was named fyodor.

fyodor saw chuuya all shivering. the black hair male thought he saw the red head somewhere, but he couldn't remember. after some staring at chuuya, he had remembered the fact that he's russian, so he won't get too cold, plus he has a jacket underneath his coat so it doesn't matter.

finally after all thinking, fyodor took off his coat. the russian male smiled a bit to himself and went up to the freezing chuuya. once the coat was on him, chuuya felt warm finally. but he couldn't just use a stranger's coat.

"wait but, this is your coat, i can't wear it," chuuya tried to protest and give the black hair male his coat back.

"no no it's okay, i don't know you but i don't want you freezing to death here," fyodor explained to chuuya before he decided to continue, "plus i'm russian, and i still have this jacket with me, i'll be fine, don't worry about me."

chuuya felt bad but he also felt his cheeks warm up, which meant he was blushing.

"can i have your number?" chuuya was shy to ask this question to the guy, "you know, so i can contact you about giving you your coat back someday."

fyodor thought about it for a moment, "yeah sure."

chuuya smiled a bit while pulling out his phone and giving it to the black haired male.

three minutes didn't pass when the russian already added himself into the red head's contact list.

"find me in your contact list as fyodor," fyodor said just to let the red head know.

"thanks. also, i'm chuuya!" the red head said with a slight smile to fyodor.

"nice to meet you chuuya," fyodor said before noticing his bus has arrived, "there's my bus, i have to go, see you some other day."

"see you!"

fyodor moved away from chuuya to hop onto his bus. when the bus was away, dazai looked at the blushing red hair.

"ooh~ does chuuya have a crush~?" dazai teased chuuya.

"no, i mean yes, i mean maybe, i don't know. i mean, he is hot but i don't even know him!" chuuya exclaimed.

dazai just let out a giggle.

"our bus should be here soon," dazai told chuuya.

"oh great," chuuya let out a sigh.

✓ his coat (fyodor x chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now