❊ | chapter 2

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❛ where chuuya finds fyodor in his high school ❜

chuuya had just grabbed his books out of his lockers. his first class was biology where he was gonna have a test now so he's hoping he gets a very good grade.

while walking around the halls to get to his biology classroom for his next class, he finds the russian black haired male in the halls too. at first he was thinking of leaving him alone, but he just couldn't.

in the end, he decided to go up to him. chuuya was hoping that fyodor would recognise him. and fyodor did recognise him.

"hello there, chuuya, dear!" fyodor exclaimed, seeing the red head.

"hey there fyodor!" chuuya was happy to see the russian.

chuuya suddenly remembered about the coat.

"oh by the way," chuuya started to which fyodor tilted his head, "can we meet up here tomorrow again? i want to give you your coat back."

"oh no," fyodor chuckled, "keep it to yourself. i have another coat, the same as that one."

"but," chuuya tried protesting, "my mom told me that, if i have been given something from someone, i have to give it back to them."

"well, don't listen to your mom this time," fyodor really wanted chuuya to keep the coat to himself.

"hmph," chuuya didn't want an argument with a russian, or anyone as a whole, at least not today, "fine."

"good," fyodor smiled at his progress.

"well," chuuya started, "i have a test in biology now, so i'll go do some last minute studying. see you around!"

"alright. good luck on your test. see you around!" fyodor smiled at chuuya.

the shorter walked away to next to the biology classroom door and grabbed his book to study. he also studied from his notes.

he really didn't want to fail.

( im extremely sorry that this is short . )

✓ his coat (fyodor x chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now