❊ | chapter 5

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❛ a sunny day in june ❜

fyodor and chuuya were sitting at a beach together. fyodor and hana are still not back together.

"wanna go, you know," fyodor started while looking into chuuya's beautiful blue eyes that held the entire galaxy, "for a swim together?"

"i want to but," chuuya was embarrassed, "i can't swim."

"oh! that's fine!" fyodor thought of a way on how to get the cute red head to be his, "i'll hold you in the water."

chuuya's cheeks were heating up from the thought of fyodor holding his tiny body. and of course, chuuya would enjoy it.

"i- i mean sure," chuuya was slightly embarrassed knowing a straight man, who was actually soon to be gay, whom is his crush, is gonna hold him.

they both got up and started heading into the water together. chuuya was scared he might slip and drown, or fyodor would go in too deep, knowing fyodor is about two to three decimeters (2-3 dm / 20-30 cm) taller than him.

when the water was to chuuya's nipples, fyodor picked up the shorter male into his arms and his hands were holding chuuya's tiny ass.

chuuya was a blushing mess, his mind was going crazy. his crush's hands were on his ass. and suddenly one of them got to his thigh, which made him blush even more. from the way fyodor held chuuya, it looked like chuuya was taller.

eventually, they were in such a water depth that was to underneath fyodor's nipples, his hands on either chuuya's ass or thigh weren't visible.

"is it nice here?" fyodor acted as if this is nothing.

"y... yeah," chuuya was blushing and embarrassed from this.

fyodor took his hand off chuuya's thigh and instead, he grabbed one of chuuya's nipples and pinched it lightly. chuuya let out a sweet sinful noise, yes, a sweet moan.

fyodor put his hand back on chuuya's thigh with a smirk.

"what was that for?" chuuya was embarrassed knowing he just let out a sexual noise in public, but at least they were far from it.

"a punishment," fyodor smirked a bit more.

"a punishment for what??" chuuya was a bit mad.

"for being so cute and making me want to kiss you," fyodor was being serious about it.

chuuya blushed even more.

"i thought you're straight and are waiting for your girlfriend to get back with her?" chuuya wanted fyodor to kiss him very badly but he just doesn't want to steal the boyfriend of a girl he doesn't even know.

"eh, she can go and kiss another guy, i don't care about her anymore, you're better than her," fyodor was once again being serious.

"i- i am?" chuuya was curious, and still a blushing mess of course.

"i wouldn't be saying that if you weren't," fyodor just wanted to forget about hana and kiss chuuya instead.

"oh," chuuya was ready to ask fyodor to kiss him, "then if you say that you don't care about your girlfriend, that i'm better and that i'm making you want to kiss me, then just go ahead and kiss me."

"no need to ask me twice," fyodor was happy to know that he can finally kiss chuuya.

without a second thought and forgetting about hana's existence as a whole, fyodor connected his lips with chuuya's.

for the next three minutes, their lips were moving and dancing with each other in sync. it was as if in this world it's just the two of them.

after their lips were no longer together, they were staring into each other's eyes with love and passion.

"chuuya," fyodor was trying to formulate his next thing to say, "will you be my boyfriend?"

"you know my answer," chuuya was happy to know that fyodor was asking him out, "yes, i will."

fyodor left a quick peck on chuuya's lips.

"i love you, my dear," fyodor smiled at chuuya.

"i love you too, my love," chuuya smiled back at fyodor.

they shared another kiss for a quick moment.

who knew a simple coat could lead to this?

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