❊ | chapter 6

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❛ the next day, at dazai's ❜

"so, you finally got fyodor as a boyfriend?" dazai was questioning chuuya about yesterday's events.

"yes!" chuuya was happy ranting to dazai, "or well, at least i hope so. maybe it was just a dream or he wasn't thinking what he was saying. but he did have a serious expression and it's not a dream so i'm sure i'm taken and in a relationship."

"well, if he had a serious expression then you're definitely taken now," dazai was just happy for his tiny best friend.

chuuya was just happy that he's in a relationship now.

. . .

fyodor was sitting on the same bench he was sitting on when his, now ex, girlfriend broke up with him.

hana was coming to the bench as well and sat next to fyodor.

"i knew you would be here!" hana was happy to see fyodor again.

but fyodor wasn't happy to see hana again.

"my parents were looking over my grades and they decided i can get back into a relationship with you!" hana was happy for it.

and of course, fyodor wasn't happy.

"well, say that to some other guy, not me," fyodor didn't want to immediately tell hana that he's now with a boy.

"i didn't cheat on you? in fact, i would never!" hana tried to defend herself from nothing.

"i know," fyodor finally looked at hana, "i meant, you're single now and we're no longer a couple. i'm with some boy now."

"huh??" hana was confused, "i thought you're straight??"

"was," fyodor was definitely now gay, all because of chuuya.

"so i tried hard for nothing?" hana was on the verge of tears.

"yes," the russian didn't want anything to do with hana now.

hana ran away crying, she couldn't believe that the boy she loved a lot used the time period that they weren't together to get into a relationship with someone else, and even then, a boy.

fyodor was happy that hana finally got away from him. he started heading to his home to play some video games out of boredom.

he was sort of in love with the red head from the moment he gave chuuya his coat, but couldn't bring himself into telling him. plus, the crush was very tiny, like a pin or paper clips.

. . .

chuuya was heading back home, and so was fyodor. they suddenly came across each other and noticed each other.

fyodor smiled at the sight of his tiny boyfriend, "ah! hey there my dear!"

chuuya was smiling from seeing his tall boyfriend, "hey there my love!"

they suddenly got closer to each other and shared a kiss with each other.

"my, now ex, girlfriend tried to get back into a relationship with me," fyodor started the topic about it.

"oh?" chuuya suddenly remembers that she basically stole someone's boyfriend.

"i told her i'm now with someone else, which is with you," fyodor smiled at the shorter.

chuuya was happy to know that he definitely is taken now.

"it all started with you giving me your coat when i was freezing outside," chuuya started.

fyodor decided to finish chuuya's sentence for him, "and it lead to a romantic relationship forming between the both of us."

chuuya smiled at fyodor finishing his sentence, "maybe it could lead us even further, like maybe us getting married."

"that will definitely happen," fyodor confronted chuuya.

it all started with nothing but his coat

✓ his coat (fyodor x chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now