❊ | chapter 3

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❛ a few months later, a warm april day ❜

it's been a few months. chuuya and fyodor got closer with each other and they basically talk everyday. their friendship grew bigger and bigger.

but their friendship isn't the only thing that grew bigger and bigger.

chuuya's feelings for fyodor grew too. by now, chuuya had the biggest crush on fyodor and he didn't even deny it.

while eating breakfast with his mom, chuuya was thinking.

"mom," chuuya started, "so i have a crush on this one boy from my high school, just he's a year above me, and i was thinking for awhile now, should i confess to him?"

"hmm," his mom thought for a moment. she was unsure on what to say until she decided, "well, if you want to, then go ahead and confess to him."

"yeah, i most definitely will," and chuuya already had in mind on how to confess to fyodor.

. . .

chuuya was already in school. he was looking around for the black haired male he called his friend and crush.

after some good looking, the red head finally found fyodor next to the door to the maths classroom. chuuya hesitated but if he wants to confess to fyodor then he has to go to fyodor now.

fyodor noticed chuuya in the distance and started walking to the shorter. the red head's cheeks were burning, about the same heat you could experience in a desert.

"hey there chuuya dear!" fyodor exclaimed happily to the shorter.

"hi fyodor," chuuya swallowed his own saliva, "i have to tell you something."

"oh?" fyodor didn't know how to react, "what is it?"

"i," chuuya hesitated before swallowing his own saliva again, "like you. i mean it. you've been on my mind a lot and you make my cheeks heat up and inner me go crazy."

chuuya was sure fyodor liked him back since the russian has been treating the japanese with love the past few months. but unfortunately, it wasn't chuuya's lucky day.

all chuuya wanted from fyodor was his love, kisses and touch right now, but all he got was a.

"i'm sorry. i'm extremely sorry. but i'm straight and have a girlfriend," fyodor was apparently taken, "we can't be together. both because i'm already taken and also because i'm not interested in boys that way."

chuuya's heart was broken. he never saw fyodor make out with any girl, and the russian always treated him with love, it was basically fyodor gaslighted chuuya into thinking he was interested in the red head, only to get hit with this.

the red head indeed felt like crying. but he had to respect fyodor in order to not ruin their friendship.

"it's okay," chuuya was not okay. it seemed like he was alright on the outside, but deep inside, he was sobbing, crying, throwing everything, kicking everything.

but chuuya wanted to ask this one question.

"for how long have you had your girlfriend?" chuuya wanted to know really badly.

fyodor tried to remember until he finally remembers, "since this january."

chuuya suddenly thought that maybe if he confessed already in november or december, or even any day in january before he got into that relationship, maybe fyodor could've thought about it.

"but yeah i'm extremely sorry for it," fyodor tried to apologize again.

"no no, it's fine, really," it wasn't fine for chuuya.

"i'll be going back to next to the door of the maths classroom, so i'll see you around!" fyodor smiled at chuuya.

"yeah okay, see you," chuuya forced a smile and walked away.

. . .

"i feel fucking terrible and embarrassed!" chuuya was ranting for the past half an hour.

after school, chuuya immediately went with dazai to his house.

"i get how much you like him, but you have to understand that if he's taken and straight, he can't be with you," dazai was trying his best to confront him.

"he basically gaslighted me! he gave me his coat and treated me with love, it was like he was interested in me from the start!" chuuya couldn't stop ranting about it all.

"it's gonna be alright. don't get your hopes down. maybe one day he's gonna break up with his girlfriend, become gay and turn to you instead," dazai was seriously trying his best to confront chuuya and not bring him down even more.

"i really hope so. i don't know who that girl is or what fyodor sees in her, but i hope fyodor breaks up with her," chuuya went on.

at this point, chuuya was jealous of fyodor's girlfriend.

✓ his coat (fyodor x chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now