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James' POV

"Are we...at a football field?" Byn asked as he looked out the window of my car.

I had just picked him up and to say I was nervous was an understatement. Especially after this morning. I knew I still had more apologizing to do, but this was a good start I think. 

Byn looked amazing as always. Wearing black jeans and an orange and green sweater that made his skin glow. His hair was a bit more curled than usual, which I liked. He had on a stack of necklaces, and different studs for the piercings in his ears. 

"Yes, but not for the reason you think." I chuckled.

"Oh so we're not here so you could show off your football skills?"

"Nope," I laughed and rubbed my thumb over our intertwined hands, "Not even close."

I parked the car in the empty lot and we both got out. I walked around and grabbed his hand and led him into the stadium. It took a shit ton of maneuvering to make this happen, I just hoped Byn liked it. 

We walked in and I heard Byn suck in a breath at the field before us. We walked down the steps as his eyes were glued to the middle where the step up was. 

I had set up a surprise picnic of sorts. There was a table set in the middle with a green tablecloth and candles that decorated it, lighting up the area. As well as a few lamps surrounding. Our food was already set at the table but was covered by those silver things. I don't know what they were called, I just knew it was fancy. 

Then there was a blanket laid out not too far from the table. With a puzzle, and a couple of games for us to play after we ate. As we neared the table, the sound of classical music filled the air from the speaker hidden underneath the table.

"This--this is--" He slowly let go of my hand and walked around the table and the blanket. He laughed as he picked up the football that was set there, "Seriously?" He smirked.

"Okay, maybe I thought you could try and catch it," I said shyly.

"If my pretty face ends up bruised, it's going to be your fault." He set it down and walked to the table, taking in all of the lights and decorations. I stood there anxiously waiting for some sort of response that he liked it.

"I love it." He breathed and I let out a deep breath. "This is, perfect James." My chest fluttered at the mention of my name on his lips. I loved it. I snapped out of my daze and walked to pull out the chair for him like the gentleman I am and he sat down with a playful eye roll. I sat beside him and opened the lids. Which revealed the best surf and turf our pack had to offer.

"You must really like me," Byn teased before digging in. His mouth was borderline salivating at the steak.

"You could say that." I took a bite of mine and smiled. "I--I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know my mom was going to be like that and I also have never seen her like that." My voice was low as I confessed. Byn's beautiful face softened and he sighed.

"It's okay, it was a lot for both of us. All of this is a lot for us." I told him truthfully, "I think I've put a lot of pressure on myself to make this work. Not saying it won't--I want it to. Very badly." I groaned and ran my hand through my hair, knowing I definitely messed it up. "I make zero sense, huh?" 

Byn reached over the table and gently grabbed my hand in his. Sparks shot up and down my arm, and he rubbed his thumb across the top of my palm. 

"I want this to work too," Byn mumbled, a slight heat showing up on his cheeks and neck. Which I am sure mimicked what I looked like. "I think what we're doing is great. Taking our time, and playing by our own rules. So far I've enjoyed it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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