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James' POV

I walked into school with a goofy smile on my face, a smile that's been there since last night. I'll be honest I was extremely nervous to go see Byn, but he told me to find him. And fuck, I'm glad I did.

I didn't plan on sitting and having the conversation last as long as it did. I actually wasn't planning a conversation at all. My curiosity got the best of me and I went and looked at the pictures on the wall. Another reason was that he was wearing a white tank, and I needed to stop myself from drooling over the guy.

Goddess, he was gorgeous.

He leaned against the wall so casually, and his arms flexed. His arms were littered with tattoos just as I suspected, and his gaze was intense and heavy as he watched me. He made me so nervous I almost dropped to my knees right then and there.

It almost made me hopeful that something between us would blossom soon. Especially when I saw he had two dads. I mean that doesn't mean he is gay, but it means he's not homophobic, which is the least I could hope for.

"What's got you all happy, golden boy?" Max's voice rang in my ears and I turned to him once I snapped out of my daze. He was looking up at me with a sly smirk and leaned against the lockers.

"Nothing man. Just excited for training next week." This was partly true, but then the knowledge of being away from Byn for a week settled in and it did not make me feel good in the slightest.

Max was about to respond but before he could I watched Greene saunter over and he had a smile on his face towards me. But I couldn't help but think this wasn't a normal smile...this had something else behind it. Something I didn't want to acknowledge...ever.

"Here's what I'm thinking, we try and convince Mr. Hover to let us be partners in class. I've thought about it, and there's no reason he would say no. Since we travele together it'd be so much easier anyway!" He ranted out and quickly might I add. Almost as if he'd been thinking about this since the moment we found our partners.

Tryst growled lowly, not liking the idea of not working with our mate. And I agreed. There was no way in hell I wasn't going to be Byn's partner. Like in class. Not in life, well of course I want to but...ahh fuck it.

"That sounds cool, but Byn and I already are working on our first project. So I think I'm going to keep with him." I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. Plus I didn't want them to know I had found my mate yet. Especially Greene. I don't know why but I had this deep feeling that I couldn't trust him.

"Oh come on, you'd rather be partners with a lower?" The word made me go still and I had to hold back my gag. Tryst on the other hand was ready to pounce on him and kill him for making our mate less than. HIS luna.

"Don't call him that." I gritted through my teeth, my resolve now gone. Which caused both Max and Greene to look at me confused.

"Taking a liking to him already huh? I told you he was cool." Max wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a sloppy smile. I was thankful he didn't think anything of it. But Greene...he stood with his eyes squinting toward me and confusion all over his face too. And maybe...hurt. Hurt as well.

"I'm going to go. Need to talk to Mr. Hover about next week." I slid out from underneath Max's arms, leaving the guys there. Finally, I feel like I can breathe again.

I knew Byn was here, his scent lingered in the hallway. Part of me wanted to go find him and speak with him. But another part of me was too nervous to. He would be with his friends and then it would be made obvious of what we are. I don't have a problem with that but he might.

Desperate Times--A novellaWhere stories live. Discover now