Percy Jackson

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Perseus Jackson. 17 years old. One of the only survivors of Tartarus. A demigod of the big three. Child of Poseidon, God of the Ocean.

But that isn't all for him.

You forgot tool. Used by the Gods for their quests caused by their own selfish needs.

The others never understood. They never realized what was truly going on. They just went along with their blissful ignorance thinking that their parents had some sort of interest of theirs at heart.

All this family drama with Kronos and Gaia was caused because the gods wanted power.

For Percy, power was like a drug. Ever since he controlled the poisonous tidal wave choking him, he couldn't get that feeling out of his head. There was this warmth in his body, this tingling sensation in his fingertips and these endorphins that made him feel like he could do anything. It's dark and addictive for him.

He swore to Annabeth he'd never do it again, but the way he'd felt... It was just so tempting to test those limits and see just how much he could do. After Tartarus, it just made him more and more and more curious as to what he could do. It never left him, that feeling of pure power in his fingertips.

He knew Annabeth was afraid of him, or more like, afraid of his powers. And maybe, just maybe, he knew why.

It started with a monster attack. Percy had been below deck, staring at a cup of water as if it were going to do something without him controlling it. His whole bunk suddenly jerked sideways, and he had heard creaking. Festus.

He decided to run above deck, see what was going on, and possibly help. It was late, and as far as Percy knew, Leo was the only one above deck, and he wasn't much of a fighter.

(It wasn't meant in a rude way, Percy wants you to know. It was just an observation. He knows Leo can still fight. He's just saying that it's not exactly his thing. He's more of a builder and sometimes lighting stuff up.)

Above deck, Leo seemed to be looking around - like he'd heard something. Percy walked over, noting the way his eyes were glazed over, and he seemed to be walking slowly towards a shadowed off area on the ship.

"What's going on?" He asked Leo.

"Huh," Leo blinked a few times, that fog in his eyes dissipating as he looked towards Percy. "Oh, I - uh - I thought I heard something. It's probably nothing, to be honest." He grinned nervously. "What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep." Percy shrugged, smiling back at him. "How's everything going?"

"It's good." Leo walked back to the controls. "I told Jason to get some sleep since he's been up for a while, and I took over. If you wanna stay up here, I could probably set up down in the water."

"If you'd like."

Leo nodded, pressing a few buttons and making them place down into the water. After a few moments, Leo seemed to stiffen again.

"Did you hear that?" He asked, looking around. "I swear I hear something..." After a few moments, Leo spoke again. "There it is again! You don't hear that?" 

Percy looked around, but he didn't see or hear anything. But for some reason, he seemed to sense something on the ship - but what, he was unsure. 

Leo's eyes seemed to glaze over again, and he started walking towards the same place he had before, like he was following something. It dawned upon Percy that he'd actually seen this before, in the sea of monsters with Annabeth.


Percy grabbed Leo's arm, but Leo didn't seem to register it. What Percy didn't exactly understand was why Leo was the only one hearing it.

He grabbed Leo's other arm, trying to hold him back, but Leo seemed to be struggling against him. Lucky for Percy, he was much stronger than Leo, so it wasn't too difficult to stop Leo from moving. But he had to stop the monster.

"Leo, stop!" He yelled, trying to snap him out of it. Leo kept struggling against him. "Listen to me!"

He directed his anger towards the Siren. "Where are you!" He growled, glaring at the shadows. "Where are you?!"

The Siren walked out, smiling with her blood red lipstick. She had a half-bird half-human look, with long ginger hair and a pretty deadly look. 

(He meant deadly, describing that she somehow had a look that could probably kill a person with a heart attack needless to say, she was pretty....)


"Leave him alone." Percy glared.

"A child of Poseidon." Her voice was rough, almost like nails on a chalkboard. "It's been so long since I've seen one like you. No wonder you can resist my charm."

"Charm?" Percy asked, wondering if just knocking Leo out would be better. "I don't see it. Now let my friend go, or I swear-"

"Oh, don't be silly." She giggled, and for a moment, she looked like a teenage girl. "You won't do anything because if you do, I can just kill your friend."

Percy didn't know how she was doing it, but suddenly Leo let out a wince and fell onto his knees. 

"Leo!" He grabbed Leo's arm, trying to pull him up. "Let him go, or I swear to the gods you'll regret it." He growled, glaring at the Siren.

"Oh really?" She asked. "Do it then! I'd absolutely love to see you try!"

Oh, it's on. Percy was not going to let this bitch do anything to his friends. He concentrated not on poison, nor the water around them, but on the blood of the monster, knowing how they consist of water. 

The siren began writhing in pain, letting out a pained gasp. Percy doesn't stop, continuing until he sees the monster turn to dust.

"Per-cy.." a voice gasped, coughing. Percy looked over to see a barely conscious Leo, "wha...?"

"I got you dude," Percy helped him stand up.


"I dealt with it already."

After a few moments of breathing, Leo seemed to get back on his feet enough to insist on going to the controls and making sure they worked. 

None of the other seven ever figured it out, except Annabeth, but she never asked him. 

And it never bothered him.

Og: 496 words. Percy: Version 2.0. New: 1,031

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