two. busy work

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two. busy work

Taylor enjoyed being smart at times

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Taylor enjoyed being smart at times. Being smart was how he had the most free periods in the history of Auradon Prep. It was an actual record that his sister informed him about. While others would celebrate, it led to the young prince having to take on other tasks. For example...

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother questioned the four villain kids. Evie gasped as she raised her hand. "Evie."

"What was the second one?" Evie inquired with a smile. Mal shot her a glance as she drifted her eyes away from her drawing in her notebook. Taylor mentally face-palmed at her lack of attentiveness.

"Oh. Okay. Anyone else?" Fairy Godmother held her pointer at the others. "Mal?"

"C, give it a bottle," Mal answered, looking up from her sketch once again.

"Correct," the headmistress declared. "Again."

"You are on fire, girl!" Carlos announced, just as impressed as the other students in the space with the number of answers Mal had gotten right.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Mal told her friends. They all made noises of realization, causing Taylor to stifle a chuckle at them, and when he heard Evie say, "That makes so much sense," with a proud smile, he lost it, turning around to conceal the loud laugh that was escaping him.

When the prince of Maldonia had recomposed himself, he turned around just in time to see Jane walking into the space. The girl in her baby blue apparel squealed out of fear as she hurried past the villain kids with a clipboard in her hand.

"Hello, dear one," Fairy Godmother greeted her daughter from her place in front of the chalkboard. Jane greeted her back in a quiet tone before greeting Taylor as well, who bowed his head slightly at the girl, delivering a rather fearful glance to the villain kids. "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation," Jane explained before handing her mother the board.

As Fairy Godmother signed the paper, she spoke to the villain kids, "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"

"Mom, no!" Jane let out.

"It's okay," the headmistress told her daughter. She handed the pen and clipboard back to Jane before shoving her to stand just in front of the new kids. "Jane, this is everyone."

"Hi," the girl spoke out in a soft tone. "That's okay, don't mind me, as you were."

Jane proceeded out of the space, squealing yet again when she practically leaped passed the kids from the Isle. Fairy Godmother cleared her throat and spoke out to the students, "Let's continue. You find a vial of poison," she read, pointing at the second question on the board. "Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple?" the question caused Evie and Mal to giggle, due to Evie's mother being mentioned. "Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Mal, Carlos, and Jay all gasped as their hands shot up. Jay pulled Carlos' hand down, making it his intent to be called on instead of the other boy. He chuckled as Carlos struggled to get his arm free from his grasp.

"Jay," Fair Godmother pointed at the long-haired boy.

"C, you turn it over to the proper authorities," Jay said, letting go of the de Vil boy's arm.

"I was gonna say that!" Carlos grumbled.

"But I said it first!" Jay mocked. He put the boy in a headlock and rubbed his fist against Carlos' scalp before climbing onto the desk, causing all of their books to fall to the ground. He lay on top of Carlos as the boy failed to get from underneath him. Taylor rolled his eyes at the boys' actions.

"Boys. Boys!" Fairy Godmother called out, banging the stick in her hand against her podium. Jay and Carlos' heads snapped in her direction. "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

"Oh, no. That's okay," Carlos stated, pushing Jay's muscular arm from around his neck. "Whatever that is, we'll pass."

"Yeah, good luck with that," Taylor giggled, already knowing what was coming to them once class was over.

Coach blew the whistle loudly, causing Taylor to plug his ears. He pointed at the players as he called on them, "Jay, Ben, offense. Chad, you're defense. Taylor, you're the shooter."

"Got it, coach!" Taylor called out, running over to the machine to prepare.

"Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost boy!" Coach yelled. Taylor glanced in the direction of Coach's eyes before finding Carlos looking around the field with absolutely no idea of what he was doing. "Put your helmet on. Get out of the kill zone! Come on."

Taylor chuckled as Carlos hurried out of the kill zone and, in the process, he placed the helmet on his head while Coach yelled at him again. The prince tilted his head to the side with a smile as he placed his gloves on his hands. Coach blew his whistle once again, letting everyone know to start.

Ben started off with the ball and after scooping the ball off the turf with his stick, he hit it somewhere across the field before tackling Merlin, the son of Merida, to the ground. The cheerleaders, Audrey mostly, cheered loudly after seeing his act.

Jay shoulder-checked Chad's shield many times before he fell to the dirt. Taylor chuckled at Chad being knocked onto the turf. The son of Jafar shouted as he bumped into one of the defensive players to get the ball again. Once he was in the kill zone, Taylor began to shoot disks at him. However, the boy maneuvered his way around them like it was nothing. Taylor couldn't even be mad, he was just impressed. Jay hit the ball up before hurling DJ, Doc's son, over his shoulder, causing them to fall to the ground.

"Jay, it's me! It's Carlos!" Carlos shouted as he stood a few feet in front of the goal. Jay, either not being able to hear him or just ignoring him, taunted him, trying to see what he was going to do. Carlos simply tossed his stick at him, causing it to fall to the turf beneath Jay's feet. Jay hit the ball against Carlos' shield. "Wait, stop, Jay. Stop! No, no, no, no. No!"

Carlos formed into a ball with the shield protecting his body from any of Jay's further actions. Jay stepped on the blue and yellow shield, allowing for it to give him more momentum to then score a goal. However, he knocked Ben, his own teammate out of the way in the process. Every cheerleader, except Audrey, cheered once again. The long-haired boy yelled as he went after the goalie and he simply barrel-rolled our of his way and ran away.

"Oh, yeah! Come on, let's go!" Jay cheered, throwing down his stick, his gloves, and his helmet as he celebrated and whooped from scoring. Taylor couldn't help but smile at the chaos he left in his wake from his competitive nature. The boys on the team groaned as they got up from the turf. Coach blew his whistle and pointed at Jay. "You! Get over here!"

Jay ran over to where the Coach, Assistant Coach, and Taylor stood on the sidelines. "What do you call that?" Coach asked as he pointed at the field, referring to what he had done just now. The long-haired boy glanced back at the field, seeming confused as to what he had been pointing at. "I call that raw talent. Come find me later, I'll show you something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book. Welcome to the team, son." Coach gave Carlos a glimpse and placed his hands on his hips. "You ever thought about band?"

Carlos released a fake laugh while his friend chuckled wildly. Taylor moved over to where the white-haired boy stood and placed his arm over Carlos' shoulder. "I'll help him, Coach. I can get him right. Trust," the prince of Maldonia stated.

"All right," Coach let out, slightly still unbelieving Carlos' potential. "Let's run that again."

He blew the whistle again and the players returned to their positions. Taylor patted the back of his hand against Carlos' shoulder pad before hurrying to the machine.

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