Chapter 23: Training and Comfort

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3 years later, Error's POV

Time passed and soon I was arranging with Horror the right time to train Lovespoon. I'm not looking to train her actually to fight but just to help her gain control of it. From what I hear from Horror, it has gotten out of control when she tries to summon something. Shino wanted to visit her so I am bringing her along today. We enter the AU, arriving outside the front door. I knock at the door and see her waving to us in the window. Then the door opens and Horror smiles at us.

"Pumpkin, I'm sure you know who is at the door. You can go join them outside."He says

"Yay! Shino! Grandpa!"She cheers, running out to hug us

Giant flowers rose from the ground inches from the porch when she ran to us. I shake my head, seeing what I'm working with. We lead her away and I find a clearing to work at where no harm will be done.

"OkAy, Lov3sPoOn sWeEti3. ToDaY wE'Re g0iNg t0 sTarT trAiNinG yOu."I say

"Training?"She asks

"Mhm! It'll be fun!"Shino says

"It wiLl hELp y0u gEt c0ntRoL oVer y0uR p0w3rS."I say

"Why should I try to control it? It's wild and fun!"She asks

"Control could be more useful when you actually need that power instead of desiring to play with it. I mean, my control over my powers allowed me to keep Fate from harming my family. Your power could be just as useful when under your control."Shino says

I see fear wash over her and flash in her expression. I glance at Shino, wondering how those implications were meant to be taken without scaring her.

"Are you saying that Ma and Da will get hurt?"She asks

"Oh! No no no no! I'm just saying that it's better to be safe than to be wild! You also don't want that wild power to get out of control and hurt yourself or others. I nearly paused my brother's code once since I didn't understand how to control it for example. And when you have control over your power, you can do more with it and have more fun with it."Shino quickly explains

I sigh with relief that Shino saved that, seeing Lovespoon calm down. I kneel down, pulling some strings out.

"ShE hAs a p0iNt. PrAct1c3 aNd c0ntr0L aLloWs m0r3 oPpOrTuNiTi3s. Y0u l0ve wAtChInG m3 kNiT w1tH s0me p0w3r. At f1rSt I c0uLd hArDlY maKe a sCaRf bUt n0w...I cAn d0 a l0t mor3. AnD s0 cAn y0ur p0w3r."I say, having my strings make a flower

She smiles at us and agrees to train. She ends up having fun, especially since Shino did the exercises along with her. After a little bit, I see Horror watching as he peeks around a tree. I see him smile as he watches her train and bond with Shino. Then it quickly shifts to playing together. I smile as they giggle and eventually, we return to the house when it starts getting dark out. I give Horror a headstart so his daughter doesn't realize that he was spying on us.

This became a routine over the next few weeks and she grew stronger, enjoying the sessions as she gained more control and started to test what she was capable of. She wants to see how she can use this to help her parents either in the fields with Farmer or in orchards with Horror. She's very sweet and well-intentioned. And very determined to act on her intentions for the better. I'd often relax after the sessions, knitting with her as a control exercise.

Then a few days later, I learned that Shino's code that has restricted Fate broke down. I learn this when Fate comes to find me while I'm destroying an AU and I frown, glaring at the being.

"I can't believe that I was kept away for so long but the current circumstances have been very entertaining to watch. A god of death wrapped around your finger and a leash? Now three kids and a grandchild as well? You really have it all, don't you?"Fate says

"SHUSH!"I snap, knowing that this won't go into anything good.

"Now, what would happen if Geno were to return and take over things? It may make things a lot more interesting to see how it rattles others and shake things up."Fate says, reaching for me.

I blast her hand away, enraged and horrified at the implications and consequences of this scheme. I'd be lost again...Restarting with a different life and identity...I can't let this happen. I won't....Not for Fate's entertainment. I'm not suffering again......the kids won't suffer...I won't let Reaper suffer from another identity change and search for each other. We finally found each other and fell for each other again, we're happy again. I won't let that go to waste.

"Well, then you better hope that there's something more entertaining unfolding soon to avoid this plan of mine."Fate says, then leaves.

I sigh with relief. Then I finish destroying the AU, and returning home to find Reaper trying to work the new coffee machine that no longer pours into a large jug. Now he just puts a mug for it to pour into, meaning there is less for him to "accidentally" burn himself with by trying to pour into his mouth sleepily. He glances over and I frown, holding his hand. He squeezes it gently.

"Are you alright, Glitchy? Did AU destruction tire you out today?"He asks, knowing that it could take a lot out of me like his job does for him.

"CaN wE cUdDl3?"I ask

He perks up hearing that and quickly pulls me to the couch and wraps us in a blanket. I snuggle against him as he sips from his mug.

"What's wrong, Glitchy?"He asks

"FaTe's bAcK aNd b0r3D aGaIN....LoOkiNg f0r eNtErtAiNmEnT...."I say

"Fate has an entire multiverse to find entertainment from. Ungrateful and dumber than me if that's not enough."He says

"WeLl aPpArEnTlY ThEy ArE cUz ThE FiRsT ThInG fAtE sUgGeStEd iS To ReVeRsE wHaT WaS dOnE tO Me...SoMehOw...BuT i WoN'T tAkE FaTe'S w0rDs aT fAcE vAlUe. ThAt cOuLd mEaN cHaNgInG mE bAcK To GeNo oR iNt0 s0m30nE cOmPlEtElY diFfErEnT...A nEw iDeNTiTy...StArTiNg oVeR AnD seEiNg hOw iT sHaKeS tHiNgS uP. I d0n't wAnT tHaT....I d0n't wAnT oUr faMiLy t0 b3 br0k3n aPaRt aGaiN...FoR uS t0 sTruGglE aNd bE spLiT aGaiN...It's jUsT t0uGh t0 c0ns1d3r haPp3n1nG....I d0n't wAnT iT tO hApP3n...bUt iT'S fAt3..."I explain

He starts rubbing circles on my back and I smile, already feeling safer with him. He presses a kiss to my head, making my soul do a flip.

"No matter who you become, you're still the same soul. And I'll always love you, Glitchy. We'll find a way so that doesn't happen. Fate doesn't always have to be in control."He tells me

I smile at him, kissing his cheek gently.

"ThaNk yOu, ReApEr. ThAt's ReAlLy rEaSsUrInG."I say

"Is that why you wanted cuddles suddenly?"He asks

"I jUsT wAnTeD t0 bE cLoSe tO yOu. DiDn'T kNoW iF sHe AlrEaDy sTaRtEd Th3 pLaN...I fEeL sAfE wiTh yOu...BeSidEs, y0u wErEn'T cOmplAiNiNg."I tell him

"Nope, I certainly wasn't. Now, allow me to make you feel the definition of safe.~"He says, setting the mug aside and laying me down on the couch to cuddle.

I smile wider at him as he sprinkles kisses onto my face and lets me snuggle closer against him.

Yes...I feel safe with him...We'll be safe...It will be okay...I love them...Protect them...


Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now