Chapter 35: Plans of Proposals

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A few weeks later, Error's POV

By now, our jobs have been started again. Reaper gets his long lists and I got a quota from Fate to fill. But this time the work assignments give no room for flexibility or taking turns like our usual routine. But the kids eagerly took advantage of this fact to ask if they could take over Lovespoon's training sessions. So that was easily arranged with Horror and whenever they returned home, they came with plenty of food. Horror is like that one relative that takes an empty plate as a request for seconds according to them, trying to give them more food to the point of over feeding them out of love and concern for their health. I chuckle when hearing their comments, knowing that Horror can't help it. It's honestly sweet and I laugh more when Raven says that Farm had to stop him from giving up his own food to provide a fifth serving to his husband. Farmer certainly has his hands full with his Horror. But it's all out of love. There's no doubt that Horror loves his family.

So that gives me plenty of time while I'm out destroying to run...other errands. I kept secret notes on my phone on what Romantica and made a plan on how to achieve it. She said we have good chances but I want to guarantee it. Fate is too uncertain and unpredictable to guarantee a future without trouble...Well, not as much trouble. Fate doesn't believe that I should even have a future outside of being a destroyer, so to take the next steps I need to be certain that Fate won't be able to punish me or meddle with things. And I think I know how.

It will require a deal and getting into Fate's realm. Which will be quite simple when I complete my quota since Fate always takes me into that realm when I do so. But that means I have to prepare. So I've been taking supplies from stores in AUs that I destroy. I pack it in bags and tuck them in the closet for now. But lately I've been preparing for after I make the deal, exploring stores and browsing for the future when I can take the next step.

Today I was checking out an AU's jewelry store. I want something perfect and special for him. I know Reaper will take anything from me, but I want it to be special. I want it to mean something. I want it to be good enough for him even if he doesn't care about it. He deserves that much.

My phone rings with a call from Reaper and I chuckle. Guess he wants to check in while he is working on his lists.

"HeY rEaPeR, hOw's yOuR liSt gOiNg?"I ask

"Oh right...Yeah...Lists...It's going ok...Of course..."He says

"ReApER, yOu'Re a hOrRiBlE liAr."I chuckle

"What are you talking about?"

"YoU sOuNd s0 sTrEssEd. NoT subTlE aT aLl."I say, walking around at each display in the store

"Well, then how is your destruction going?"He asks

"GoOd, jUsT eXplOrInG aN AU aNd c0nsIdErInG whAt tO dO wiTH iT."I say, seeing the ring sections.

I glance at each one, looking for what's best.

"When do you think you'll be back, Glitchy?"He coos

"I'Ll sEe..."I say, finding a fitting ring, smiling.

Perfect...And I know what size to get for him since I already measured his finger without him noticing....This is going to be wonderful...Oh just imagine his face...

The ring in question has a golden band that has two silver feathers on each side of a gem that shines the same shade of blue that he blushes whenever I hold his hand. Surely this is a good one to show how special he is to me.

"I can hear the smile in your voice. I look forward to seeing you at home. I want to discuss our future with you."He says

I catch how serious he is and frown. What does that mean? Usually, it isn't something good when phrased like that...

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now