The horse carriage (book 10 i think)

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'Then what's the hat and opera for?' asked Friday.
'The hat is to hide my distinctive blonde hair,' said Ian.
'The Opera, is to make us look like a real couple,'
'Technically, we were a real couple, until you decided to break that.'
Friday managed to say without bursting into tears. Ian was immediately guilt ridden. 'Hey, i'm sorry, but I told you before,' he said softly.
'It's just for a mission,'
Friday frowned and glared at him, at a loss of words. Ian chuckled, he found this cute. Plus, he wanted this mini "couples" fight to be over so he could kiss her already. So, he decided get on with it and continue with what he was saying beforehand.
'And the distraction is this;'
Ian leant over to Friday, who was perplexed and bewildered in her own thoughts.But everything in her mind had shut down and turned blank after Ian's lips were on hers.
The idea worked of course, they had now gotten past the police station where the fire alarm had gone off deliberately. But that didn't mean that Ian's lips were off hers. He was now leaning over her kissing her passionately, with every ounce of emotion he felt. The driver of the carriage looked in the small mirror above and smiled.

217 words

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