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    Time slowed to a snail's pace as Rick prepared dinner for his angel.  Every thirty minutes or so he would crack the bedroom door open and check on her.  Feelings of remorse weighed heavy on his heart, she'd slept for a full day and it seemed that the effects of the date-rape drug were still present in her system.  He prayed that the drug hadn't taken too much of a toll on her poor body.  That was probably why she'd been so grumpy when he'd woken her up, it was certainly a disorienting feeling.  He would never have to use those awful injections on her again, though.  She was finally with him, and that was all that mattered. 

A homemade pie crust had been prepared a few days prior, patiently awaiting Charlie's arrival. Chicken pot pie was her favorite meal in the whole world, which was why Rick had chosen it as the first meal he would serve her.  She hadn't been able to enjoy it since she was fourteen, and Rick remembered the smile of pure joy on her face like it was yesterday.  He would make it for her every single day of the year to see that smile.  Though Vivian rarely ever made it for her.  He would show her that he could care for her much better than that wretched witch ever could. 

Soon, the house was filled with the homey scent of thyme and sage as the pot pie finished cooking.  He figured it would help calm her to be woken up with a warm homemade meal.  His heart jumped in his chest as he slowly opened the door, he still hadn't gotten over the fact that she was finally with him.  The thought alone made him feel like a giddy schoolboy.  The room was dimly lit, with only the bedside lamp providing a minuscule amount of light.  Her form lay unmoving underneath the warm duvet, she looked so at peace.  He was sure she would understand him better now that her head had cleared up a bit. 

He sat gently at the edge of the bed, watching as her chest rose and fell in a hypnotizing rhythm.  Her hair was a complete rat's nest, and her skin looked slick and pasty.  Only she could manage to look so angelic in such a poor state.

"Charlie," he murmured her name, a smile finding his lips as he shook her body, "Wake up, sweetie."  The unconscious girl stirred in her sleep, her eyes slowly opening and adjusting to her surroundings.  She jumped as her eyes landed on the brown-haired man. 

"Jesus, fuck," she exclaimed, propping herself onto her elbows.  "You scared me," she muttered, cautiously making eye contact with Rick.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he gave her a small smile, "I was just finishing up in the kitchen, and thought you might be hungry," he sensed her anxious disposition and placed his hand over hers.  The small action caused her to visibly stiffen, and his heart fell.  Why is she so scared of me? 

"Not hungry," she replied, sneakily trying to slide her hand from under his, but he held his grip, holding her small hand in place. 

"Well you haven't eaten in over a day and you threw up earlier.  You-you need to eat," he tried to sound stern but his voice still quivered.  Her presence alone caused his mind to jumble, making it difficult to properly get his words out.  Her brows furrowed as if she was deep in thought.  Rick thought the action was quite adorable, she always looked so sweet.  "Come on.  I made your favorite, chicken pot pie," he coaxed, giving her a goofy grin.  Her face seemed to light up at that, and he swore he even saw a small smile grace her lips for a few moments.  The sight caused his heart to melt.  She was warming up to him, he was sure of it. 

"O-okay," she said hesitantly as she scooted towards the edge of the bed.  Rick led her through the room, holding her hand in his.  She hadn't even tried to pull away from him!  They were already making such amazing progress!  He continued to glance down at her as her eyes roamed around the house.  He wondered if she liked the way he'd decorated it.  He certainly wouldn't mind her input on the matter, he would gladly paint every surface of the house bright green if that was what she desired. 

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