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Nothing could ruin the pure bliss that consumed Rick's mind. Charlie wanted to spend every night with him. With him! There was something so incredibly special about that. No longer would he be forced to creep into their bedroom each night. He would not have to endure the awful light brushes of skin against skin, that hesitant feeling, the anxiety that built in his chest when she stirred in her sleep. No more fear of being caught, of being the monster underneath her bed, no. Now he would have the privilege of laying beside her, of holding her precious body against his.

All those days of endless suffering, of watching from the shadows, she made it all worthwhile. He would do it over again if he had to, even a million times over. The week they'd shared had been the most carefree, joyous time he'd ever had. There were moments when he'd caught himself smiling giddily for no reason, simply enjoying the wonderful companionship she brought him. Her presence alone was enough to silence his dark thoughts, and his compulsions. He had not a single urge to pick at or destroy his flesh. Why would he? She had made him whole again. The feeling had even eclipsed the memories of his mother that were so very dear to his heart.

There were many times that his fervor had intimidated Charlie, though he couldn't be upset with her. She was still adjusting to their new life together. Each day both of them experienced new challenges and emotions. It was exhilarating, that question; what's going to come next?

He was sure she felt it too, the electrifying current that passed between their bodies whenever they were near each other. It was overwhelming and all-consuming. Sometimes it took control of him, and he did things he wasn't proud of. It would most likely terrify her if she knew how much she affected him. Sometimes he would lock himself into his old storage room, the one he'd filled with all of his Charlie memorabilia. There was no satisfying the hunger she ignited in the pit of his stomach, but his hand had become useful whenever there was a sticky situation.

"This is...really good, Ricky," Charlie pointed her fork at what was left of the pasta he'd lovingly made for the two of them.

"Maybe I could teach you how to make it sometime," he suggested. Her compliment pushed beet red coloring to the apples of his cheeks, leaving him feeling somewhat bashful. He always found the meals they shared to be enjoyable, though they were mostly quiet. Charlie's shy nature was endearing; it was as if they were going through the stages of courting. Her desire to take things slow was admirable, although it did leave him very frustrated at times. His mother had always told him, good things come to those who wait. So he would have to be very patient, even if it felt miserable, her incessant teasing.

Though it wasn't very fair of him to blame her; it didn't take much effort to rouse his carnality. Sometimes feeling the skin of her bare knee brush against him would be enough reason to excuse himself to the bathroom.

He simply couldn't get enough of her. Something about her provoked a much more reckless side of him, one that had an abysmally low amount of self-control. There were many times when he'd wanted to pounce on Charlie, to rip her clothes off and truly make her his. He'd always had that urge, but being so close with her, it only magnified that need. Yet, he also yearned to be gentle with her. She was his precious, delicate girl. He would make sure the first time they made love would be special, a memory they could cherish for the rest of their lives.

"I'm finished," she said in that sweet voice he loved so dearly, "Can-can we go outside now?"

Her question distracted Rick from his perverse thoughts. It was early December, so there wasn't much for them to do. He figured they could at least go on a quick walk, she was probably feeling stir-crazy after being cooped up in the house for a whole week.

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