Imagina Shorts #251

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Imagina Shorts #251

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    Hello. This is Scarlette. You might be wondering why there are destructions behind me. Well..... Let's just say I'm not a burden anymore. Hehe. FREE!!! At last! ^-^ No one to tease me, no one to talk to me, no one to bully me... no one to punish and yell at me.

    I know having friends is cool. Chat about your interests, do some cool stuffs with them... Don't get me started on how I found out the creepy secrets of my teacher while trying to delete the porn my friend accidentally sent... Yeah. We didn't get the porn deleted, but we got rid of that teacher! Hah! Deserve for doing concerning "lesson" plans. Oh, what fun! But I believe that these things won't stop; even if we have laws for it. (Tsk. Disgusting government.) Suuure... I'll stop nerding out.

    We're also obligated to do shit! Do jobs! Do absolutely anything for the benefits of the others! Sure! It feels good helping, but it just feels necessary. It ruins the fun! Do the government even know what fun is? Nevermind. The government is an entire circus anyway. I mean; who decided to ban magic on school for being "too advance"? Aren't we trying to develop and grow? Heck if I'm allowed to say things like this (well, there's no one to stop me now), but I can't believe I can't have magic knowledge every Friday and a potential "perfect" boyfriend (hehe~). Haah... -n- Good thing my father is part of a secret cult. Well, I am now a part of them too. It is not that bad, at least. I mean; it is the reason how I got here, how I got this- *lifts up her levitating sphere of Pandora* -immense power! >:) I also got this cool outfit! I love the colors by the way. It fits my name. Scarrrlette! -u-

    Fuck this! I'm going to kill this "Fury" and I can't wait for this universe to reveal its true and disgusting nature. Alllll everything and happening under my control! You hear that, creator? *shows us the Pandora sphere* I'm going to expose you in front of everyone! Ahahaha! >:D


There goes Scarlette's internal monologue. Do you even know this girl? Do you even know her? Of course! I'd just say... someone whos narcissist nihilist sadist perfectionist lewd-artist beauty-AND-the-beast antagonist on-the-watch-list deserve-to-not-exist go-to-therapist and has heart pupil as she's probably down bad on things like this... and you'll know that it is her. You'll know that it is Scarlette. This kid is full of SHOW-OFF and y'know what? We'll go and see her show-ins.


(In the future episodes, I'll roast her more. Don't worry.)

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