Imagina Shorts #270

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Imagina Shorts #270

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Fury is browsing the internet.

Fury: Hmmm... Celestial war of A-

Cut! The electricity is indeed cut. All the electrical appliances has stopped working, except the computer since they use UPS.

Fury: Oh God. *closes all the windows (I mean the computer windows)* Huff... *closes the computer* ...


Fury: *stretches out from his chair* Yyyawn...

It is so dark. Well, the electricity is gone, so...

Fury: Strange... Wait a minute...

Their electricity came from the tree. How did they got power outage?

Fury: *goes downstairs* Luna?
ㅤㅤㅤ: Hm?
Fury: Woah! Luna!
ㅤㅤㅤ: Yeah. There's no electricity.
Fury: Y-Yeah! But... (Luna?)

Luna is... missing? I can't really see since it is so dark, but...

Fury: Okay... I'm... going to check the basement...
ㅤㅤㅤ: Okay ^-^
Fury: ...

Fury opened the door to outdoors-

Fury: ah...

The sun is missing... Wait-Yeah. Today is currently daytime, but there is no sun. That's why everything is so dim.

Fury: ...

Fury proceeded to the basement anyway.

Fury: *opens the trapdoor* g-guh! >~<

That is a pungent smell and alot of blood! The experiments are also spilled everywhere.

Fury: *walks forward*

Oh, the failed experiments. Dead meat spiders with unexplainable veins. There are still the mother spider in the ceiling. It is always there like it was a decoration.

At the computer monitor is a console written; "Unable to locate the host. Searching for a new one..."

Fury: ...

Fury is trying to fix the cables behind the monitor, even though there is nothing wrong with it in the first place. Fury kept looking.

Fury: ... (Damn. This is unexplainable! >~<)

Fury left the bunker with the problem still unsolved.

Fury: Oh... my... *climbs out of the bunker*

The sky is... different. It is... I don't know, but there are angels in the sky. Angels like unexplainable figures. So many of them. Surrounded. So bright and... they seem resembling relativity.

Fury: What... (What is this...)
ㅤㅤㅤ: Fury!
Fury: L-Luna?
ㅤㅤㅤ: I am a Goddess! ^-^
Fury: What?!


Luna: Oh my goodness!
Fury: Ah!
Luna: Wake up! >-<
Fury: ... oh.

Luna is here. Luna isn't missing.

Luna: Damn, Fury. You've never changed.
Fury: Eh? What is it?
Luna: "What is it?" Oh~ Just find it out your own! *hops out of the bed*

Luna left. If she could try a different method of waking him up...

Fury: ... *hops out*

If you don't realize, Fury had a 6 minute pause before he got up.

Fury: *goes downstairs* ...?
Luna: *pours coffee for everyone*
Ellioth: Hehe ^-^
Jade: ¬-¬
Sola: *takes a gentle sip of her coffee*
Fury: Whaaaaat...

Fury is the only one tall here.

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