Take Me Out Of This World

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*Plot: After Bart dies from Sideshow Bob murdering Bart, Marge dies from sorrow, and Homer dies from choking on a tennis ball (LMAO). Lisa is the only Simpson left and she wants to join her family. This episode is based on 35x05 yes the deaths are true. Even though Maggie didn't die let's just pretend she did :) Don't judge the picture above 😭. This will all be in Lisa's POV*

It's been 30 years since my family died. Bart first. Gone. Murdered by that twisted excuse for a clown. A part of me died with him, the part that understood sibling squabbles, the thrill of shared mischief. Mom followed, a slow decline into grief, her vibrant spirit withering like a neglected rose. Then, Homer. A choke on a stupid tennis ball, the most banal of deaths for a man who lived so loudly. 

I still live in the house. It used to be chaotic and loud but now I'm alone in the echoey emptiness of the house, the only sound the mournful wail of the wind outside. I used to want to be alone without my family bothering me. Now I have that wish and I hate it.

The thought of joining my family wasn't a morbid wish, but a yearning for the warmth that had been so cruelly extinguished. To feel that suffocating silence replaced by a comforting quiet. It wasn't a desperate wish, not exactly. It was a logical extension of the emptiness. A way to end this unbearable silence.

I stared at Bart's abandoned skateboard by the door, a memory flickered, a particularly chaotic game of tag where Bart, in a rare show of affection, had declared, "Don't worry, Lis, I'll always be there to catch you if you fall."

A tear escaped, tracing a path down my cheek. I miss our adventures. Most of the people of this crappy town slowly forgot about my family or they just badmouth them. Most of them would just remember my family for being idiotic and would cause trouble everywhere they went. 

I walked down the street and sat at the bus stop. The bus slowly pulled up. I walked into the bus paid and sat down at a seat. "Where you headed?" Said the bus driver.

"The hospital," I said.

The bus driver nodded and started to drive to the hospital. After the long drive, we finally made it to the hospital. I hopped off the bus and went inside.


I lay down in the hospital bed. A nurse walked in. "Hi! You must be Lisa Simpson! What can I help you with?" Said the nurse.

"I want to die. Inject me with anything that could kill me." I said.

The nurse paused for a moment. "Are you sure?" Said the nurse.

"Yes. just do it." I said seriously.

The nurse didn't say anything, she just nodded. She grabbed a needle.

I feel a needle slowly enter my arm, and I am hooked up to an IV. I looked up at the dripping poison, I can't turn back now. I am about to face whatever happens after death, if anything this is the end of my bloodline. My family will forever be forgotten. However, I can't survive without them. It's selfish, I am aware of the fact. But I haven't been myself since they have been gone. I will forever miss my mother's smile, my father's antics, and Bart's pranks. I wish I had gotten more time with them.

What is life without the ones you love? 

My eyes start to get heavy and they end up closing. I hope Sideshow Bob knows that he won this long-time feud. He killed my brother and our family slowly died one by one. I see my family and I start to cry with happiness upon seeing them. 

I'm dead and I finally joined my family.

*Sorry that this story is short 😅! I got the 'I feel a needle slowly enter my arm, and I am hooked up to an IV. I looked up at the dripping poison, I can't turn back now. I am about to face whatever happens after death, if anything this is the end of my bloodline. My family will forever be forgotten. However, I can't survive without them. It's selfish, I am aware of the fact. But I haven't been myself since they have been gone. I will forever miss my mother's smile, my father's antics, and Bart's pranks. I wish I had gotten more time with them.' part from yourearent69 on TikTok! I changed it up a little bit! Go check her out she makes really good stories. They're basically just about Roblox memes*

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