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*Plot: Waylon realizes Mr. Burns doesn't care about him. This chapter is kinda based on Season 2x18. This will also be in Smithers's POV.*

"Smithers! I want my tea!" Said Mr. Burns.

"Doesn't it bother you that he orders you around?" Asked Marge in a concerned tone. 

I was quiet for a moment until I said, "Actually, I value every second. I squeeze his juice each morning and I tuck him in at night. He's not just my boss. He's my best friend." I said.

I thought about what Mrs. Simpson said as I went up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom to give Mr. Burns his tea. "Too hot!" Said Mr. Burns splashing the tea on me.

I wanted to scream as soon as the tea went right on me but I let out a hiss. "Right. It's scalding me as we speak." I said as the tea boiled my skin. 


I lay in bed. Mrs. Simpson's words got to my head. The clock ticked every second.  

"Doesn't it bother you that he orders you around?"

Even though I was Mr. Burn's assistant, I was replaceable. I kept thinking about times I was humiliated by Mr. Burns. 

I knew my loyalty didn't matter to him. For years, I held onto the delusion that my devotion mattered. I was the ever-present shadow, anticipating his every need, shielding him from harm. But tonight, under the gilded proscenium, the truth shimmered like a broken mirror. I was a well-oiled machine, not a friend. 

A wave of nausea washed over me, stronger than any of Mr. Burn's questionable gruel concoctions. Perhaps it was the singed eyebrows, a symbol of my misplaced loyalty, or maybe the throbbing in my backside, a constant reminder of my foolishness.

I liked him more than a friend but he was oblivious to that. Whatever it was, it sparked a fire. I wouldn't be Mr. Burn's faithful lackey anymore. Maybe, just maybe, there was a future for me, outside the shadow of Mr. Burns.

*Srry that this chapter is short*

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