8: Plush Bunny

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Kira and Kana were a close couple, had it not been for the fact that Kana had openly told Kira that she was a mere clone of a woman that was from a different place all together he would have already married her and started a family with her. But he didn't want anything to happen to the two of them if she was sent back to where she belonged. He didn't seem that phased when he had came back into Kana's dorm room to find her plush bunny on her bed sideways with a note beside it.

He merely held onto the bunny, knowing that it would take him to Kana. When he got to the platform he noticed the female in front of him. "Princess Hanarina." He said as he bowed his head

"Another smart man and a gentleman to boot. Welcome Sumeragi Kira to the Room of Time. The Princess would be rather gleeful to see that the moment you saw her you knew what to do and say. Bravo." Julian said. "I am her attendant Julian. I will answer questions you have."

"The Princess said that Ayano was one of her clones and that I wasn't supposed to meet up with her is that true?" Kira asked

"Indeed that was because of the stupid male you know as the leader of your groups fault for forcing Sweet Angel's hand. That is not on you. But you could have been better at handling how things happened between the two of you." Julian said with a sigh

"I see...I also was told that Asaya Yuki was one as well. Which means Ichinose will be here soon too as well right?"

"Indeed. Kana did well to inform you."

"She also informed me about a woman named Julia but I don't remember anyone named Julia other than her friend who is with one of my bandmates." Kira said confused

"Ah, she spoke about Hijirikawa's wife."

Kira was quiet for a moment. "Oh that woman.."

Julian let out a loud amused laugh "That is the right comment to make! For a man of little words and no expression you're rather amusing. Ah...this will be interesting. Any other questions now that his have been answered?"

"You have spoke now of two males that Sogo and I know about. Ichinose Tokiya and Hijirikawa Masato...Are they the only ones from Shining that will be here?" Iori inquired

"No there is another from the other group. He was rather close to Hanarina."Julian stated

Aoi then spoke up. "Kotobuki?"


"So now we know who to expect other than the mystery male." Iori said in thought

"We can't tell about placements, seems like we are all in an odd order." Gaku stated

"Mhm, There's no telling what will happen and how the other three will react to seeing her incased...again." Iori said with a sigh

Gaku was confused. "Again? What do you mean again?"

"It was before she had married you Yaotome." Sogo stated "Ayano's dark thoughts got too dark and well us from IDOLiSH7 and many others had to help her out of her mind while getting glances into her past about what has happened with her and how she ended up getting treated. When we finally managed to find where Ayano was, she was incased in glass and wrapped up in bandages."

"In the reapers judgement the darkness places the reaper in question in their deepest fear to see if they are truly ready to live their lives as a reaper. What you all saw what the fear of her being in cased and never finding someone to love her. Aoi-you personally helped her out and kept her from hurting herself more. Shun you showed a friendly compassion which she's always wanted. Sogo and Iori, you two also showed that same compassion. She was delighted to have such great friends who helped those who were judging her to release her." Julian explained

"How do you know so much about what's going on Julian?" Haruka asked

"My younger twin brother was taken in as a reaper and I hated that I grew up as a single child. I personally went to the reapers world to beg them for my brother back...but they wouldn't unless I showed that I was serious about taking care of my brother. I was given a week to prove myself-so I did. Day in and day out I read everything I could about the books of reapers and what they could and couldn't do. What was possible and what was impossible. I knew my brother could never love someone in our world, and when he was at the age of eighteen he would leave my side and find someone to love him for himself. Which he has and I'm proud to call him my baby twin brother. But that type of knowledge doesn't just leave you, its engraved into your mind and soul forever." Julian said seriously "Here comes Hijirikawa. I will speak more once he has found his grounding."

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