20: This Means War!

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When Ria and Rei got up it was due to hearing noise from above, Rei didn't want to move-unlike Ria who had a feeling of what was happening above the two of them. She got herself dressed before she used her scythe to fly back up the stairs. As she opened the big double doors she saw reapers fighting the guards that were stationed around the castle. Ria's teal eyes darkened as she slammed her scythe down onto the hard stone ground making all of the reapers that were around fall to the ground instantly which confused the guards. 

"Those of reaper blood get the hell out of here before you are killed by your princess! The king and queen broke their promised oath and were given a warning. With this act of war I will kill the current king and queen and take their place! If you do not leave now you will join them in the hellish limbo that awaits you!" Ria spoke loudly but with a cold tone

The reapers didn't want to deal with the Princess knowing just how powerful she was, once the reapers were gone Ria let out a sigh as the captain of the guard went up to her. "Thank you for that Princess, it is good to see that at least you will help us out. Your siblings didn't wish to get their hands dirty or care enough to help us."

Ria bowed her head as she placed a hand on her chest where her heart was. "You're welcome Captain Calvin, I helped you all because they are my people. Even if I was first born as the king and queen of this kingdoms child. I was reborn as a princess of the king and queen of reapers. A promised oath was made between the two kings and queens which was broken yesterday. I knew something like this would happen, it was just a matter of time. We may end up having a war on our hands soon if I do not go to the reapers kingdom and abolish the king and queen. They will not stop until I go to them."

"But if you do won't you be stuck there?" One of the guardsmen asked confused

"Not anymore, had I still been a virgin that would be the case, but my life is now tied to that of a vampire that lives within these very walls. His name is Rei Sakuma. He is who ended up being the man that helped me pass my test yesterday."

The guards looked at Ria confused "You mean that they wanted to keep you pure?" The captain asked

"Indeed, they actually wanted me to be with their son who is the undead son of the kingdom my father came from. Which would mean that they would force me to marry my cousin which I'm not down for. So I went with the test my parents wanted me to do so I didn't have to worry about that. The only thing is-I'll have to kill my cousin just to make sure that the reaper kingdom is completely abolished. Without someone at it's throne it will go back to it's usual self in the forest."

"Won't that affect you as well?" The captain asked

She shook her head no. "Once the reaper kingdom is gone, I will be given a choice to live an immortal life or have a human life. My beloved is immortal so that is what I'll be doing. Just I will no longer have my scythe and I will not be able to see in the pure darkness anymore."

All of the guards looked at her stunned. "So you will outlive the king, queen and your siblings?"

"Indeed I will. When it is my turn to rule this kingdom I will have to figure out when will it be a good time to step down and let any child I may have with my beloved Rei take over instead." Ria said with a smile 

"Well when that time comes we look forward to seeing what you can do as queen." The captain guard said before they all went back to their posts. 

Ria then went back down to her room where she saw that Rei was waiting for her. "What was that all about Ria?"

"The reaper king and queen chose to be aggressive, so tomorrow we're going to have to make our way to the reaper kingdom and have a bit of a blood bath." Ria said as she went up to him and cupped his face in his hands, she then kissed him on the lips "I'm going to need your help with making sure that things go smoothly tomorrow."

"Of course princess, like I'd let you get harmed." He said before he pulled her back onto her bed and stripped her of her clothes "You belong to me now and I won't ever let you go."

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