27: Kingdom Ritual of Royals

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For the ritual the entire kingdom was to watch what would to happen to the young princess. Julian had to sit beside his father with his arms crossed as he saw his beloved be in the ritual arena without him. He only hoped that she'd do well without him at her side. Julian's father got up after a bit and spoke loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is a rare occasion for this kingdom, a princess from the kingdom of Santa-maria wishes to take the crown prince's hand in marriage. But! To do so she must pass each part of the ritual. It'll take strength, wit and intelligence to be able to pull off passing this ritual. Many have failed to take his hand in marriage in the pass. She will have a half hour to be able finish the ritual that is presented to her. Her ritual will be different from most since she was once the princess reaper of Santa-Maria. She will be asked to do three different tasks that princesses should be able to do. If she does them properly she will pass, if not we have knights at the ready to place her down. She has already accepted whatever fate be-falls her. So let the ritual begin!"

The first task was to proper know how to set a table for a tea party for four people. Ria had already knew how to do this, she had tea party with Julian and her parents as a teenager. Julian would help her all the time setting everything up and gave her pointers on what to do and not do. Ria was rather quick to place everything in it's place before the judge looked at each place and nodded his head placing up a green flag which meant that she had passed the first task. 

Julian let out a small sigh of relief, he knew that at times Ria would forget things. He was happy then was not one of those times. The next task she was given was to recite every kingdom, their capitals and their royals in charge. Ria smiled starting off with her home kingdom, stating it's capital before stating her parents name before going counter clockwise leaving the kingdom she was in for last. The judge placed up the green flag once more stating that she passed it.  The last task she was tasked to do she had to be able to defend herself, so she was given a sword and she went up against the captain of the knights, who she remembered Salem paralyzing before. 

"Brat, you're going to pay for what you did to me earlier! I refuse to allow you to be the new queen of this place with such a disgusting thing as your damn familiar! You will perish by my hands!" The captain said before he swung straight for her

Ria moved to the side and she used her foot to trip the male making him fall face forward into the ground making the crowd laugh at him. Julian had to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing. "What the fuck Ria..." He muttered through his laughter

Ria placed the sword down into the concrete ground making it crack as she summoned her scythe into her hand twirling it around before she narrowed her eyes. "You wanna say that again asshole?!" She growled angered "You threatened not just a princess of a peace treaty kingdom but your own damn crown prince! I gave you pity before! Now I won't!"

As she spoke she placed the blade of her scythe at the captains throat "Do you wanna try to be a hot shot now asshole?"

He captain shook his head. "N-No ma'am."


She cut the males head off without a single thought before placing her scythe behind her back before looking at the queen "That's what I can do, wish for your kingdom to be next bitch." 

Julian was confused, how was she still able to summon her scythe? Wasn't that part of her reaper blood that was infused into her? He got up and jumped off from where he was to Ria who was happy to see him. He engulfed her into a tight hug before he cupped her face and kissed her on the lips. "Woman you are a crazy bitch."

"I'm aware."

"Why do you have that scythe? I thought it was part of when you were a reaper?"

"Nope. My papa's blood. My siblings can summon weapons of their own too. Just they chose not to." Ria said with a grin

"That makes sense. Your father makes daggers out of nothing when he's pissed. But you passed the trials babe, you're going to stay here with me." He said with a smile

"Did you really doubt me darling?"

"A bit yeah, you can get scattered brain sometimes."

"Only cause your hot ass was watching my every damn move. My mind would be more on how to get you to stop eye fucking me and less on what I was doing."

He laughed as he hugged her once more. "I'm not sorry for that, I'll never be sorry for that."

"I know you aren't and I don't expect you to. Now can I please get out of this disgusting pink dress. I hate this color."

"Of course babe, now that you've shown what you can do we can get you into different clothes."

"Thank you! Fuck I hate this color so much."

Julian took her by the hand and led her back into the castle where he took her to a room far from everything else. Ria had no idea where he had taken her, but it didn't take her too long to figure out that it was a bed room of sorts that she was taken to. He had pushed her up against the door and had roughly but passionately kissed her as he stripped her of the dress she wore. He didn't allow her to touch him after the dress was off of her. He held her hands above her head as parted his lips from hers. "Little lady, you are mine, you will not leave me ever. Got that."

"Like I'd want to? I literally killed a part of me just to be with your sexy ass. I'd never go against that."

"Good response sweet heart. Now, I'm not going to be gentle with you. You've riled me up too damn much with what's been going on today for me not to touch you."

"What are you waiting for an invite to fuck your woman? I'm right here."

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