Chapter 1: Left 4 Dead

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Current time: March 1st, 12:00 AM

thunk, thunk, thunk

One by one, the lights of the facility turns off.

thunk, thunk, thUNK

And soon enough, the last lights to turn off are the ones from Y/N's office.


-Y/N's POV-

The sound of lights turning off became louder and eventually woke me up in an instant.

Y/N: (Ugh, what, did I sleep on the job again?...)

I look around...

Darkness, is all I see.

Y/N: (What the..)

I go reach for my desk lamp and try to turn it on, surprisingly, it does turn on.

The room is slightly lit up, but it is still dark around

Y/N: (Whats... going on?)

I stay still for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what is happening, I open one of my desk's drawers and find an emergency flashlight, I turn it on and look around my office

Y/N: (Did the main generator died or something? ... No it can't be, my desk lamp is on... what is happening?)

I stand up and go toward the door leading outside of my work room, I press the button to open it and step outside...

Dark... still always dark.

Y/N: Umm.... Hello? Anyone here?

I walk around in the hallway trying to find someone to help me understand the sudden lack of light.

Y/N: Helloooo? Ok guys that was a nice prank but you really got to turn the lights back on now.

I don't know why I felt like someone was pulling a prank on me, I don't see why since I don't usually talk to any of my co-workers, so I don't get to socialize with anyone.

Y/N: ...

I stay silent, not knowing what to do in this situation, the only logical thing to do would go find someone, but, it seemed like everyone disappeared, usually I get to hear footsteps or mumbling outside my room, when I walk in the hallways, I usually see a lot of people too, and when I'm in a place where I think I'm alone, I can still hear people from far away.

Y/N: (Come on this makes no sense... they couldn't have disappeared like THAT)

I feel anxious, I go toward the reception, thinking I could find something, or rather someone.

I walk... I still walk, I keep walking and-


Y/N: What the-..

I get startled by the sudden noise, I look around to search where it came from, I look down and noticed...

Y/N: AH!

I fell on the ground in panic while pointing my flashlight at the thing I saw, and then I saw it again, it looks like... a small green dog creature with a mask.

Y/N: ...

It looks at me with curiosity, and then it approached me.

I try to go backward while still laying on the ground.

It noticed and stopped moving.

We look at each other for a couple of seconds until I decided to stand back up.

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