Chapter 4: First Contact

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Current time: March 2nd, 01:45 AM

-Abble's POV-

I go toward a secret passage that leads to section 3, it's hidden behind my shop, and the hoomans never knew about it.

I reach the other side, I'm left stranded in a dark place, but I know where to go.

I follow the route I take usually until I see a light.

It's the section's shop.

I climb up on the counter and ring the bell that stands on it.

... no response.

I keep spamming the bell until I suddenly hear the voice of the shopkeeper.

???: ok ok!! dam ye cant wait 1 minute??

The voice has a strong stereotypical Irish accent.

Abble: u know y me here..

???: o ya i almost forgot 'bout dat, hand ovr the box wil ye?

I hand over the box, a pair of hooves grabs it.


Abble: ... AHEM!

???: ya wait a bit lad, ye impatient or wat?

Abble: yes, but also me stil mad!

???: mad? mad 'bout wat lad?

Abble: ...rlly?..

???: ... oooo i c, ye mad i took ye job, rite? boyo ye kno dat was gona hapen rite?

Abble: me dunt wana hear it!!

???: eh, ye shud B glad 'bout it, they coudve exterminated u 'nd ur people or smth by now

Abble: way to make me more mad!!

???: sry sry lad, but hey ye stil hav a job... kinda

Abble: they said they wil replace me at dat shop too!!

???: o... sry to hear dat lad, but ye kno we cant do anything 'bout it sry

Abble: shud up, hand ovr good stuf!

???: ay here ye go

The shopkeeper places a briefcase on the counter. I open it to see it filled with perfectly arranged cans of Bloxy Cola™. I close the briefcase and take it with me.

???: so dis yer life now... drugin urself with soda? sad to see ye fel dis low lad.. may b u shud stop and-

Abble: shut the fuk up!! u no tel me wat to do!! me no stay here! me wil go out one day!!!

???: rly? ye stil belive ye hav chance to get outa dis cursed place? lad ye so funni

Abble: shat up!! me means it dis time!! me wil get out one way or other!!

???: watevr maks ye happi lad..

I leave the shop and head back to section 2.


Current time: 06:00 AM

-Y/N's POV-

The sound of an annoying device spamming beeping noises wakes me up, I proceed to calmly shut it down, by punching the OFF button.

Y/N: Ughhhhh... (What time is it.. what day is it... what happened last night?)

I wake up trying to remember what I did yesterday.

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