Chapter 9: Curious Beings of Fur and Blood

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Current time: March 3rd, 11:05 AM

-Y/N's POV-

I wander in the hallway of Section 2, I wanted to go see if Abble was there and she actually was, she hasn't been talking about why she went unconscious but she said a certain "Dr. Lu" has helped her get back up on her feet. She said I didn't need to worry about her because this type of things happen often, just like Haz told me.

Y/N: That's good to hear you're safe and sound.

Abble: ye me too!! me glad u stil alive!! me expected goo fren to be mean wit u but seem like they nice after all!

Y/N: Well I wonder how you didn't know hostiles weren't allowed here though.

Abble: i did kno! it just becuz me used to work in deeper section were mean goo fren common, but me got replaced...

Y/N: Oh... I'm... sorry to hear that..

Abble: it fine, me like it here!! me still has shop and mak lot of monee!!

Y/N: Well that's good to hear, say I wanted to ask you something.

Abble: sure!! go on!

Y/N: So, you're a gootraxian right?

Abble: yup!

Y/N: So that makes me wonder, why does most gootraxians seems to be scared of me but you aren't?

Abble: me not scared of hoomans becuz hoomans likes me!! as for others, me not kno.. maybe goos think u gon harm em!?

Y/N: What? Why would I? They haven't done anything to me.

Abble: it tru, but hoomans usually very mean to some goos!!

Y/N: Is that so? I never-

Abble: never knew cuz u newgen. me kno, is ok, we all understand!! maybe goo fren will stop be scared of u wen they understand u weak!

Y/N: What!? Hey! I'm not weak!

Abble: u sure? how about we verify dat! follow me!

Abble jumps over her counter, I follow her, we walk a bit and eventually reach an empty room.

Abble: wait here pls!

Abble goes to another room and comes back while pushing a dummy into the room. After placing it in the center, she gets behind me.

Abble: there! imagine situation! u get attackd by meanie! u have bat, wat you do?

Y/N: I would... hit them with it?

Abble: correct!! do so!

I grab my bat firmly in hand and rush toward the dummy, I try to bash it on the head... and miss, I trip and fall past the dummy.

Y/N: OOF... damn it!

Abble: wow, dat was... pathetic

Y/N: Hey!!

Abble: sorry but it tru, me nevr see hooman dis bad befor..

Y/N: I'm not used to bash people on the head man...

Abble: well u got to lern, in case u need it!

Y/N: Abble, I'm thankful you're trying to help me, but I don't think violence is going to resolve most problems.

Abble: wat if problem was wild red lizard, hm?

Y/N: H-How do you know about this?

Abble: fren of urs told me, even if wild meanie not allowed, wild meanie stil try to get in anyway, so u must be prepared!!

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