Chapter 5: Sneaking Around: The Sequel

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Current time: 06:15 AM

-Haz's POV-

As I walk through the corridors with the human I keep getting more curious about them.

Haz: So if I get this straight you want me to help you "borrow" some food from the cafeteria?

Y/N: Yeah exactly! If I want to survive one month ...or at least as long as possible, I got to have some provisions.

Haz: I see, you seem... scared of gootraxians, aren't you?

Y/N: I mean you did noticed that thing earlier that chased me.

Haz: Yeah I guess, that's fair.

We reach the cafeteria, oddly enough, no one is here... except us of course.

Y/N: Ok so here's the plan; I'll try to grab as much food as possible, you look around to see if anyone is coming, if someone is here, tell me and I'll hide.

Haz: Sure? I guess that you don't want to get caught stealing here.

Y/N: Ehh, it's not stealing it's borrowing, and also yeah I don't want to get caught.... like... at all.

Haz: Alright, I'll just be back there.

I stand next to the counter and look at the entrance while I hear them get to the food storage room.


Current time: 06:20 AM

I hear the human exit the food storage with.. quite the mountain of food... in cans, because I guess it's easier to transport?

Haz: So? You got everything?

Y/N: Yeah, for now. I'll probably come back if I start lacking supplies.

Haz: Alright. Well I guess I can go now.

Y/N: W-Wait, one more thing!

Haz: Sure, what is it?

Y/N: Can you... escort me to my room? Please..

Haz: Why? You're feeling THAT insecure or something?

Y/N: Uhm, kind of? I mean I did get chased by a gootraxian recently and I don't think I want it to happen... again.

Haz: sigh Chill, most gootraxians here aren't hostile like that, in fact they are pretty nice sometimes. Hostile gootraxians aren't even allowed in this section.

Y/N: Then why was there an hostile one here?

Haz: Eh, sometimes there tends to be hostile gootrax that manages to get here unnoticed, but once we find them we just kick them out of here, simple as that.

Y/N: Yeah but still, if there can be hostile gootrax here I still feel I should be at least a little bit protected, you know?

Haz: Alright alright, so where's your room?

Y/N: Up at Section 1, the staircase shouldn't be too far away.

Haz: Oh yeah it's almost next to Abble's shop, I should go see her sometimes.

Y/N: How about we go see her while we're at it? I met her back at Section 1 when all the lights were shut down.

Haz: Good idea! Well let's go then, I should really ask her if she got some spare hazmat suits in reserve.

We head outside the cafeteria and head toward Abble's shop, during our trip, we see absolutely no one, it feels... eerie.

Y/N: It's uh... really... quiet.

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