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Ashlynn's POV

I haven't felt anything for what feels like forever. No pain, no cold—just numbness. Hold on, I tell myself. Just a little longer. They'll find me, and then... I'll be safe. I focus on that thought, willing it to be true.

Then I hear it. Knocking. Faint, but real. My heart stirs for the first time in days, but I can't open my eyes to look. The knocking continues—steady, persistent—until it suddenly stops. Did they leave? Panic swells, but my body won't let me react.

The silence stretches on, and just as I'm about to give up hope, a loud crash fills the air. Someone's coming. Footsteps grow louder, closer, until they stop right beside me.

"Hello, I am Darren Lupo. I've been sent to retrieve Ashlynn for Classification. I know someone's here, I can feel your pres... Oh, shit!" The voice, deep and shocked, cuts through the haze.

Suddenly, I feel it—pain, sharp and overwhelming—surging through my body. And then, I'm being lifted. Air hits my face, cool and unfamiliar, but it feels... freeing. Am I finally free? If I could cry, I would.

"Dad, I need you... I showed up for a classification pick-up and found a girl. She's... she's nearly dead Dad." The voice is strained now, desperate. "I need everything you have on a Delaney Lupo and her daug—" His voice fades into nothingness as the world slips away from me again. This time, into silence.


Darren's POV

There is a slimy feeling creeping over me as I approach my first pick-up for the day. I have 4 new classifications to pick up. This first girl just turned 18 today, her mother didn't ask for extra time with her daughter, so I am here to get her now. All the others were given the standard extra three weeks with their families to celebrate their birthdays. As I walk up the stairs to the front door my wolf side perks up. I am the son of Alexander Lupin, head of the Lupo family of shifters. Lupin I know, not very original for a group of wolf shifters, but that is the name my family chose back during the days of the serum.

I knock on the door, I can feel a presence in the home, so I know someone is home. When my first knock is ignored, I knock again. When that knock is also ignored, I grow impatient. Sometimes they don't answer in the hope they won't have to go through classification. After knocking a third time I grew upset. I take a moment to compose myself, I don't want to freak out on an 18-year-old who is simply too scared to come out. I am about to knock again when my wolf pushes forward and instantly I smell it. Death, death is imamate. Forgetting about knocking, I take a couple of steps back and ram the door with all the strength I have.

The door flies off it's henges and slams to the ground. As I step into the home, I call out to whoever is here. "Hello, I am Darren Lupo, I have been sent to retrieve Ashlynn for Classification. I know someone is home I can feel your pres..." I stop dead in my ground, when I see a savagely beaten girl lying on the ground, her eyes closed. "Oh, Shit!" I yell as I am jolted into action. Without thought I turn over the girl and I can feel her agony at my touch, and I hate it, but I need to get her to the hospital quickly. Being as gentle as I can I pick her up and make my way back to my car. I can't wait for an ambulance.

After I placed her in the car I reached for my first aid kit. I found the shifter blood we all carry in case of emergency. It won't do anything for me but for a human our blood has powerful healing abilities. After placing in the pen that would deliver it to her system I plunged the needle into her thigh. Without waiting to see if it works, I close her door and head for the driver's seat once inside I hit my father's contact on the screen in my car. I really should call my supervisor but on instinct I call my father instead.

"Hey Darren, how's it..." I cut my father's greeting off as I began to talk. Rude? Yes, but I know he will understand. "Dad, I need you." his whole demeaner changes and I am no longer talking to my father but to Alaxander Lupin, head of the Lupo family. "Report" he barks out, his voice gruff and unforgiving. "I showed up for a classification pick-up and found a girl. Dad, she is nearly dead. I need everything you have on a Delaney Lupo and her daughter Ashlynn. Also, I need the ambulance bay at Beegly Memorial alerted that I am on my way with an 18-year-old with multiple injuries and internal bleeding." When I am done talking my father huffs out a done before ending the call. I know he is going to do as I asked.

As I drive, I keep checking the back to make sure that I can see her breathing. Her chest is rising extremely slowly but she is still here with me. When I pull into the parking lot of Beegly Memorial I can see that my father has done as I asked. Parking my car, I rush around to my back passenger done to retrieve the girl I am met at the door by three hospital members and the girl is placed on the gurney and headed inside. I move my car from the ambulance bay and to the actual parking lot and head inside. I know my father will be here soon and we will figure all this out.

My father arrived three hours ago, and we have been in a meeting room discussing what we have found out so far. "Delaney Lupo, age 43, brown eyes, brunette hair, 5'4". She was classified as a human Dom. She attended The Lupo School for Master and Slaves. When she was twenty years old, she petitioned to marry Marcus Lupo and they were evaluated to be compatible for breeding. Their union was approved with the stipulation that they were to produce 3 children in 5 years. They only produced 2, or so we thought. They were separated and Marcus was paired off with another woman right away and he was given custody of their two children.

Two months later Delaney discovered she was indeed pregnant with a third child, but it was already too late for her marriage. She almost died giving birth to a baby girl she named Ashlynn and had a hysterectomy, making her in-eligible to remarry. Not much else is found on her after that, it looks like she opted to homeschool Ashlynn. She brought her in for mandatory testing for school and provided all Ashlynn's work. The girl did okay in school and Delaney was left to homeschool the girl. She didn't ask for more time with Ashlynn after her 18th birthday. She was not home when you arrived to pick up Ashlynn and she hasn't returned yet. We can only assume that she ran." Douglas my father second in command, laid out for us.

Silence fills the room. My father's face is set in stone. "Find Delaney. Bring her to me. She won't get away with this."

Douglas nods and leaves. My father turns to me. "You need to finish your pick-ups. I'll post someone outside Ashlynn's door. She's safe for now."

I nod, but my mind is still back in that house, with that broken girl. Ashlynn. I send up a silent prayer that she makes it through the night.

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