New Beginnings

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After helping Ashlynn down from the bed, we made our way out of the nurse's office. I thanked Anthony for letting us use the space. Part of me wanted to hold her hand, to offer that small comfort, but I hesitated. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, especially after everything she'd been through.

Then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the first period. She startled and instinctively reached for my hand. I kept my grip loose, but hers tightened, like she was holding on for dear life. As the hallway began to fill with students, she shuffled closer to me, her breathing growing rapid and uneven. She was teetering on the edge of another panic attack, and I needed to act fast.

I squeezed her hand gently and leaned down to ask, "Is it okay if I pick you up?"

She didn't answer with words, but instead raised her arms toward me, a clear enough sign. I quickly scooped her up, and she buried her face against my chest. The weight of her small frame and the way she leaned into me for support sent memories of Duncan crashing into me. But I pushed those feelings down, focusing on the moment. Ashlynn needed me right now, and I wasn't going to fail her.

When we reached Mr. Delas's classroom, I tried to set Ashlynn down in the Little's area, but her grip around my neck tightened. "It's okay, sweet girl. We're back in class," I whispered, hoping she'd relax enough to let go. Instead of loosening her hold, she clung tighter, pressing her face into my shoulder.

I gently rubbed her back, trying to coax her into looking around. After a few moments, she loosened her grip just enough to peek out from my chest, but when her eyes met the classroom, they widened in panic, and she shrank back into me. I glanced around the room and saw that everyone was watching us, their curiosity palpable.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, but I wasn't going to force her into anything. Instead of insisting she sit with the other Littles, I carried her back to my seat. Mr. Delas must've noticed because, a moment later, he placed a booster seat on the desk chair next to mine. I tried to place her into it gently, but she whimpered, a soft, frightened sound that immediately triggered my protective instincts.

"It's okay," I whispered again, keeping her close. "You can stay right here with me for now."

Whispering words of reassurance, I motioned for Mr. Delas to begin class. As he started teaching, I felt the tension in Ashlynn's little body slowly ease. She began to relax against me, and while I wanted to keep her in my arms for as long as she needed, I knew it was important for Littles to participate in this period. It was part of their routine, something that helped them adjust and settle in.

When Mr. Delas asked the Bigs to retrieve a booster seat and a Little, I gently coaxed Ashlynn to try sitting in the one beside me again. She hesitated, looking around the room with uncertainty, but after seeing the other Littles being placed in seats next to their caregivers, she allowed me to do the same.

She slipped her thumb into her mouth for comfort, and I made a mental note to get her a pacifier for moments like this. As Mr. Delas resumed his lesson, I felt her focus shift from her anxiety to the classroom, and I hoped this small step was a good sign for what was to come.

Ashlynn had been a dream to spend time with, even if she was rather clingy. My original plan was to take her to my afternoon classes, but during lunch, Lana sat with us. She asked Ashlynn if she was excited to go to the Sanctuary after lunch to paint, and Ashlynn's entire demeanor shifted. She clapped her hands in excitement and started rambling on about all the things she wanted to paint. Watching her light up like that, I couldn't help but feel a growing desire to know everything that made this Little happy.

Inside the daycare, I gently let go of Ashlynn's hand. "Go on, Little one. Go play. I'll be back at the end of the day to walk you back to your dorm, okay?" But instead of running off to the art area like I expected, she stood frozen. "What's wrong, Little one?" I asked her softly.

"Ethan, stay?" she asked in a small voice, and I immediately knew she was in Little space.

Kneeling down to her level, I gave her a reassuring smile. "No, precious girl, I have to go to work while you go paint." Unlike the other Doms in school, I've already completed my classes from my time with Duncan. Now I mostly fill in when teachers have to step out of their classrooms. I've got two classes to teach today, and in between, I'm on call to help wherever I'm needed.

She pouted, her lip trembling slightly, but I kept my tone gentle, hoping to ease her worries. "You're going to have so much fun painting, and I'll be back before you know it."

Ashlynn looked around the room, her expression sad, but she didn't leave my side. "Go on, Sweet Girl, I'll be back soon," I reassured her softly. Instead of stepping away, she moved even closer, her small body pressing into mine as if she was scared of letting go.

I could feel the nervous energy radiating off of her, and it shouldn't please me as much as it did that she clung to me. But over the course of the day, I had come to realize just how much I missed taking care of someone. The bond I'd once had with Duncan—it wasn't something I thought I'd experience again, yet here I was, feeling those instincts rise up inside me again.

As much as I wanted to take her with me to my next class, I knew that eventually, we were going to have to be apart. It was important for her to know that when I said I'd come back, I meant it. This would be her first real test of trusting me.

I crouched down to her level again and gently took her hand in mine. "I know it's scary right now, but I promise, Sweet Girl, I'll come back for you. You'll have so much fun painting while I'm gone, and I'll be back before you know it."

She looked up at me with those wide eyes, filled with uncertainty, and it tugged at something deep inside. "I'll always come back, okay?" I whispered, squeezing her hand lightly before slowly standing back up.

"How about this, Little one," I said, crouching back down to meet Ashlynn's gaze. "I'll come back after my first afternoon class and check on you. If you still want to come with me then, I'll bring you along for the rest of the afternoon classes. Does that sound okay?"

Before she could answer, one of the daycare teachers approached us with a warm smile. "Hi there, Little one. My name is Miss Emily. Would you like to come play with me and some of our friends?" she asked, holding out her hand toward Ashlynn.

Ashlynn's eyes flickered up to mine, a silent question hanging in the air. I nodded, reassuring her with a gentle smile. "It's okay, Sweet Girl."

Reluctantly, she reached out and took Miss Emily's hand. I watched as she hesitated for a moment, glancing back at me. I gave her a soft wave, hoping it would ease the fear I could see lingering in her eyes.

"You'll be okay, I'll be back before you know it," I promised. As she allowed Miss Emily to lead her away, I couldn't help but feel the weight of this small but significant step.

I inform the head teacher of my plan to check on Ashlynn at the end of the next period, and she agrees with a nod. Walking away leaves a weird, unsettled feeling in my gut. I really don't want to leave her. She wasn't feeling confident about this class, and I can still see the uncertainty in her eyes as I walk away.

I remind myself that she's in good hands. Every teacher in the daycare is a caregiver, and this room is strictly off-limits to anyone from other classifications. It's just Littles and Caregivers. She should be fine, but the strange feeling gnaws at me, growing stronger with every step I take away from her.

I have to trust that she's okay. It's just one hour. After this class, I'll be back. I tell myself that again, but the feeling doesn't leave.

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