☆ spiderhead ☆

14 0 3

The weekend came too fast. I woke up Saturday morning to Mikey and Calum screaming over something. I picked up the book I was reading at the time, Killashandra by Anne Mcaffrey and walked up behind Calum. I thwacked him on the head with it one good time and told him to shut up. He looked at me like he'd seen a ghost.

I walked back to my room to get dressed for the day. My outfit consisted of my favorite pair of shorts, black frayed mini shorts with the Nirvana smiley embroidered on the hip, Hello Kitty fishnets, a black halter top with front buttons and an asymmetrical hem, a pair of black heeled lace up ankle boots with totally useless zippers and buckles, a black Paisley patterned bandana, a necklace with a deer head charm on it, gun earrings, and black circular sunglasses.

I sighed and picked up my phone, adjusting my glasses on top of my head. Better sooner than later for things like this, I dialed Jake's number and waited for him to pick up. It went straight to voicemail. I texted him instead.

Jake, we need to talk.

ok? text me abt it or dont talk to me abt it.

I sighed. Should have known.

K, my bad.

Anyways, im dumping u. Im tired of being treated like shit, peace. Lose my number.

seriously? ur so fucking mature dex, wow. whats next, u gonna tell ur mum that i hurt u or smth? u kno better than that. but fine, fuck u too.

I don't know what I expected from him. I shouldn't have expected anything more, but it still hurt. I liked Jake despite everything he did to me.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my makeup bag. You can't cry if you don't wanna ruin your makeup, right? I dumped it out on my bed and dug through it. I picked up my eyeshadow palette, my eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick and took them to my bedroom door. I sat down in front of my mirror and started applying my makeup.

A dark smokey winged eyeliner, dark red lipstick, and slightly clumpy mascara. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, taking my eyeliner and drawing a small smiley under my right eye.

I ran my hands through my hair and threw myself onto my bed. I watched my ceiling fan spin and wondered, what would happen if I stayed with Jake?

My thoughts were interrupted by my door being slammed open and then quickly shut by Ashton. He walked to the middle of my room and laid face down on the floor.

"You good?" I asked him.

I got a groan in response.

I got up and laid beside him on my back, "What happened mate?"

He turned his face towards me, "Armelle broke up with me, she found out she's lesbian."

I laughed a little, "Funny enough, I just dumped Jake."

Ash smiled a little. "Your makeup looks pretty," he reached to touch my face but I moved his hand away.

"Thanks Ash, why'd you come to me? Why not Mikey or somebody?" I asked, I mean. He'd known my brother and his little gaggle of geese longer than he's known me.

"You understand me better." He said simply, turning on his side and curling into a ball. He hugged his knees to his chest and looked at me. "I don't really... feel bad about the breakup. I don't think I really liked her, I think I liked somebody else."

I smiled, "That's alright Ash. Shit happens. But hey, guess we're both the single ones in our group now. Armelle's bound to find somebody soon, she's absolutely gorgeous and way too smart for her own good."

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