☆ beside you ☆

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A/N: howdy! this chapter is written in ash's pov, its a part two to pick up the phone :)

When I got home from Dextra's house, I tried to sneak up to my room without my mum noticing. She spotted me anyways, "Ashton, what happened, why are you all wet? Why didn't you call me? Did the date go well?"

"I walked home, it's raining. I didn't want to, the date didn't happen. Can I go to my room now?" I said, she looked at me and nodded. I sulked off to my room quietly.

Before I could lay down, Michael called me. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, trying to mask the feelings I had.

"Mum won't tell me what happened, so I'm relying on you. What the fuck happened?" He responded.

I tried diving into the story, "Well, I was gonna ask your sister out tonight-"

"You were gonna what."

"I was going to ask out your sister. I wanted to date her."

"Fuck you mean, wanted. What did she do that was so bad you changed your mind?"

"She has a boyfriend."

"Does not?"


"I made them break up, they can't be dating. But back to the fact you wanted to date my sister."

"I've had a crush on her since... well since we met, and yes I know you're upset with me, and probably her too. But just don't do this to me today."

"Upset is a soft word choice. But go on."

"I was going to ask her out. I got flowers and everything, I asked Arabella what flowers she liked and got them. I showed up at your house. I was going to take your sister out on a date, and she was with Jake. They were lying in her bed cuddling. I thought a surprise would be more romantic or something stupid."

"Ash... as much as I wanna chew you out for trying to date my sister, I don't think I can right now."

"That's so reassuring."

"I know I'm so good at comforting people."

There was silence for a bit, then Michael sighed. "Look, I'd much prefer you dating her than Jake. Mom's chewing her out right now, was she in on your little plan?"

"Yeah. Shew knew yeah."

"Great. Anyways, don't be too hurt by Dex. I don't want to deal with your angst for one thing, for two, I don't think she knew."

"Knew what? That I liked her?"

"Yeah. She didn't know. Plus, I'm pretty positive she likes you back. Jake is also probably gonna dump her after this."

"Why do you say that?"

"I know him. And I know her, anyways. I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow Ash. Please don't take this out on Dex, I know you're upset with her, but be gentle. She's fragile, as much as she doesn't act like it." With that, Michael hung up on me.

I sat my phone down and started getting ready for bed. I wondered what Dex was doing, I hoped she wasn't crying. I don't want to be laying in my bed, I want to be beside her. I feel ridiculous. I can't believe I thought I could get the girl of my dreams, am I really that stupid?

I wish I could go back to being just her friend, and not some stupid boy following her at the heel. But she was different from the start, and now we're both alone.

My phone rang again, I looked at the caller ID and sighed. Speak of the angel, "What do you want Dex?"

"I'm sorry, I fucked up I know. I know I fucked up so bad Ash, but I wish you were here. You're my best friend, I'm confused. I don't know how I feel about you, but I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to have this conversation."

"I do, I want to fix this. Ash I don't want to be alone."

"I don't either, Dex. I wish I was there, I wish we could fix this."

"What do you mean?"

"Dex, we can't fix this in one night. I wish I was beside you, I wish you were here. But I'm not, you're not here. I thought I had a chance with the girl of my dreams, and it was stupid. I was stupid. I'm sorry." I hung up on her. I couldn't talk about tonight any more than I already had.

I caught my mind wondering. I thought about Dex, how right now she's probably crying to her friends; Armelle, Arabella, Frankie, Harvey. I never understood Dextra, but she always understood me.

A/N: i'm sorry this chapters so short, i didnt wanna go super in depth with it but i wanted to post this chap. i think having something from ashton's pov even if its this short little thing will do us wonders :) 

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