☆ pick up the phone ☆

12 1 0

Months later, Jake walked up to me in the hallway. He had a bouquet of snapdragons and foxgloves. "Hey... I'm sorry, about like, everything. I was in the wrong. I didn't mean to hurt you Dex, I just didn't understand how to be in a relationship. I treated you like a friend instead of a girlfriend." He said as he handed me the bouquet.

I was shocked. I took the bouquet and looked at him for a minute. He looked sincere, I hugged him. I apologized, and weeks later we were back together.

I sat on my bed, wondering what to do for the day when my phone went off.

hey, get ready. we're goin on a date.

Cool, i'll text u when im ready

Maybe Jake did change, maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought. Jake told me to keep the fact that we were dating under wraps, just until he's ready to tell everyone. He didn't give me a dress code so I went with my trusty black Nirvana shorts and a tank top with a blue flannel.

I searched my room for my converse and squished my feet into them. I texted Jake that I was ready.

He showed up hours later, late as always. Ashton showed up at the same time. Jake got out of his truck, and Ashton walked towards me.

Ashton put his arm around me, "Why the hell is he here?" He whispered.

Jake walked up towards us and pulled me away from Ash, he was pissed. He acted like Ashton knew we were back together, but he clearly didn't.

Ashton stared at me for a minute, and then left. I couldn't read his face for once, I felt something break inside of me.

I pulled away from Jake and looked at him, I felt hurt. "You're late. You're three hours late. I have been outside waiting for you, for three hours. Three hours, Jake." There was venom in my voice, I didn't know how to take it out or hide it.

"Look, Dex, I'm sorry. Something came up, do you still wanna go out?" He asked, half-assedly.

I went on the date with Jake. It was boring, per usual. Me and Jake didn't have anything in common, we just casually 'enjoyed' each other's company. It felt stupid. I had more fun when I was with Ashton.

Jake took me home after the date. I went back to my bedroom and rolled over to go to bed when Mikey slammed open my door.

"Ashton told me Jake was here. What the actual fuck Dextra?" He questioned me, slamming my door closed. Full name. I am so, so fucked, I slowly realized.

I sighed and looked at him for a minute, "Me and Jake are back together. Don't tell anyone, please. I'm not ready for it to be out yet."

"I won't tell anyone if you let me watch you type a break up text AND watch you send it." He told me, reaching for my phone and handing it to me.

I stared at my brother. "You've got to be fucking joking, right?"

"I'm being more serious than mum when she's yelling at us and counting to three." He had a look on my face that told me if I didn't do this, he'd immediately go tell mum and dad.

"Fine! Fine. Fine, I'll do it." I threw my hands up in defeat and sighed, unlocking my phone and pulling up Jake's contact. I started texting him.

Jake, its dex. obvs. we're over.

I showed Mikey my phone and stared at him. "Happy now?" I asked.

"Almost. Block him and delete the contact." He smiled at me.

I texted a quick text to Jake and proceeded to block him and delete the contact. The text told him that Mikey made me do it or he'd tell everyone, and that he should sneak in around dinner time.

Dinner time came around and Jake showed up outside my window. I opened it to let him in, I had told mum that I didn't feel good and wanted to go lay down. She believed me and I went to my bedroom to hangout with my boyfriend.

It was raining that night. And Ashton had decided to show up to my house holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers; he was going to take me out that night. As a surprise.

That's how everyone found out we were dating again, Ashton walked into my room to surprise me. He took his flowers and threw them on the ground and screamed at me. He was crying.

I felt pieces of my heart shatter. Ashton stared at me, standing on the sidewalk soaked in rain. I walked up to him and grabbed his face, but he pushed my hands away from him.

"You can't do this to me Dex, not right now. Not today. I just want to love you, dammit." I could hear the sobs he was holding back.

"I didn't know, Ash. I didn't know you liked me like this. Please-" I tried to reach for him again but he pushed away from me. He picked the flowers up off the ground and pushed them onto my chest.

"Don't apologize to me. You're just gonna keep doing this shit, you're gonna keep going back to him. You're not hurting just yourself, you're hurting me, and Mike. Don't fucking apologize to me anymore Dex," tears started to spill out of his eyes, "Call me if you need me, Dex. But please don't need me." He wiped the tears off on his sleeve and walked out of my room.

I stood there. Mum ran into my room and stared at Jake.

"Dextra. Are you kidding me? Jake, leave. Get out of my house and never come back. Get out." She pointed at Jake and started ushering him out of the house.

I sank to the floor. I grabbed my phone and called Frankie. I didn't know who else to call, but I had to call somebody.

Frankie picked up. "Dex? You alright? Why're you callin' so late?" She asked me.

"Frankie, I fucked up. I fucked up so bad."

A/N: hi y'all.......

ik the uploads for this are awful, but IM TRYINNN. ive been swamped lately and honestly kinda burnt out. i rlly wanna continue writing this fic tho so heyy......

i'll try to stick to a schedule but pls do not expect anything from me <3

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