☆ just saying ☆

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A/N: back in dex's pov for this one, though through the chapter povs switch to ash's :)

Dextra's POV...

I woke up early that morning to my phone being blown up. I had fallen asleep on call with Frankie last night, crying and telling her how badly I fucked up.

I knew I couldn't get Ashton back, I never had him in the first place, but now I didn't have a chance. I checked my messages, texts from Ashton surprised me.

dex, ik we're not on best terms right now, but im always there for you. love you.

I stared at the text. I had so many things I wanted to tell him, yet I couldn't pick them out of my thoughts.

Ash im so sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you, i love you too.

I finished going through my texts, some from Jake, Harvey, Arabella, Luke... apparently my entire friend group knows about my predicament. Everything was going wrong, but I still had Jake.

I know I can't fix me and Ash, otherwise I'd break up with Jake. Ash is one of the most important people in my life, I can't lose him.

I looked at my text from Luke. I was prepared for something mean, even though that's really not his style.

dex ik ur struggling, but going back to jake wasnt the best idea. ash is ur friend and he cares about you, let him

I smiled at my phone. Luke is always there to tell me bluntly what's happening, bless that blonde.

I know luke, im sorry you have to deal with all of this

dont be. im ur friend, tell me whats going on

I dont know what to do, i dont know if ashton likes me like *that* or if it was a friend thing. i dont know how i feel about him. what would you do? besides leave jake, i need him right now.

i dont know what id do dex, but keep in touch with ash

So I did. I kept in touch with Ashton.

Ash's POV...

(and a timeskip)

It's been months since the night I showed up to Dex's house with flowers, I lied to her and told her that I was going to try and cheer her up by taking her to a nice, fancy restaurant. You know, as friends. She believed me.

I go about my days as normal, waiting for Dex to realize it's not platonic.

"Ash, you know you had a chance with her. Right?" Luke asked me.

"Hm? No, no I didn't. She's way out of my limit." I told him, snapping back to reality.

I turned my attention back towards Dextra and Jake, laughing together. They were cute, I guess.

"Dude, can you stop ogling at my fuckin sister?" Michael threw a carrot at my head and it bounced into the floor.

"Sorry, jeez..." I apologized half heartedly.

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel? It'd make this entire thing less painful." Calum asked me, twirling his spaghetti around.

"Because she's happy with Jake. Most of the time."


We all went back to eating before an argument broke out. I miss when Dex would eat with us instead of off in her secluded area with Jake.

"Speak of the devil, here she comes." Calum said, Michael shot him a look.

"Don't talk about my sister like that."


Nobody could figure out why Michael suddenly got so protective over Dex, but he did... and we all had to live with it.

Dex slid into the seat between me and Armelle, "sup fuckers, what're we doing today?"

Frankie scoffed and rolled her eyes, "nice of you to join us again, Dextra." she spat.

"Frankie, can you just be nice to her?" I spoke up, I didn't want to deal with drama. And as much as Dex deserved it, I didn't want to see her hurt.

"No. I can't, we're her second option. Don't you see that?" She stood up and slammed her hands down on the table, "I am tired of being her second choice." Calum stood up and grabbed Frankie, they walked away together.

The entire table fell silent.

"We can all hang out at my place if you guys would like!" Armelle chimed in.

"No. It's fine. Tell those two to come back, I won't be here anymore." Dex said as she packed her things back into her bag and picked up her tray.

I watched as Dex threw away her full plate and stormed out of the cafeteria. Michael sighed and got up to follow her, but sat back down.

"I think she needs to be alone." He said, I looked at him for a minute.

"Fuck that." I said and got up to go track her down.

I found her sitting in the hallway scribbling in her notebook, she was drawing her favorite musicians again.

I sank down beside her and smiled, "hey Dex. You alright?"

She smiled back and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I will be. Me and Jake got in another fight, and apparently my entire friend group hates me."

I put my arm around her and held her. "Don't lump me in with those weirdos, I could never hate you Dex. But what're you and Jake fighting about this time?"

Dex sighed, "the usual. He's flirting with other girls again. I love the guy, I don't wanna leave him."

"You should leave him, he makes me sick. Hate that guy, he treats you so bad Dex, you realize that right?" I told her, I shifted so I could look at her face.

"Well... I guess."

"Your boyfriends a fucking loser Dextra. He doesn't take you out on dates, and if he does he ends up making you cry and I have to come get you. He never tells you he loves you, our entire friend group hates him. Leave him, you'll find someone better. I'll help you find somebody better."

"Jeez Ash, didn't know you felt so strong about this..."

"I care about you."

"Don't care too much."

I wanted to grab her and kiss her. It was too late for me to not care too much. I'm already in love with her, there's no turning back now. I wish I could tell her how I feel, but not with Jake in the picture.

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