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                        Alexis' POV

In my defense when I sneaked into their cop car, well if we are getting technical, broke in, I thought they would have noticed as soon as they entered the car but I thought wrong. Some detectives they are.My heart started pounding when I realized they didn't catch that I was in their car,as they started driving. Then all of a sudden I heard the detective who was sitting in the back with me screaming. I guess he knows I'm here now. The other male detective that was driving pulled over then the female detective turned around and saw me. She said "" how the hell did you even get in here ? You do know that's a crime right? An actual crime ? More importantly why did you break in our car." I replied " uh... I... uh... wanted to help and there was no way they would let me leave with you all, so I left. Oh and they can't accuse you all of taking me from school grounds since your car technically wasn't parked on school grounds." The female detective did a face palm. She then said " no, no,no we are taking you back and doing this right way." I replied " they'll just find a way to pin you convincing me to leave with you guys since no other adults were around." Esposito then spoke up and said " it's annoying because she's right." I then continued "plus, as much as my dad love the idea detectives, when it comes to me he will go to war and say no to you guys even questioning me." We drove for like an hour and change, probably the same amount of time to our loft. We got to the precinct and I saw uncle Roy but I dodged him so he couldn't see me. If I am being honest this has been the most exciting thing that has happened in my life so far. But I can't help but wonder if I know the girl that has been murdered. Then my stomach dropped, realizing that I probably did since they were asking me questions. I can't say that I wish it wasn't a specific person because at the end of it all someone still lost their life and I don't think I'm ready to find out who exactly lost their life. But in this moment and time, I need to channel my inner dad. Uncle Roy was still near by so that's when I said " I suggest you ask your questions now and quickly if I may add." They looked at each other suspiciously and that's when Detective Beckett asked " this picture might stir up some memories but it's the only picture we have to work with, so do you know this girl?" She showed me a picture and I realize that was Alley, like the real Alley not her look like, who she paid to be her while she did god knows what. I responded " yes I do, that's Alley McAllister. She's not actually been coming to the school for like a year or so. She paid someone to pretend to be her so yea."

Alexis just wants to help. Channeling her inner Castle.


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