Silver Lining

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                                   Kate's POV
As I was heading out, somebody bumped into me. He quickly said sorry. I saw him looking for something or someone when he spinned around and said " you wouldn't happen to be here for a blind date would you ?" I finally got a good luck at his face and that was freaking RICHARD CASTLE, like oh my god. I had to keep myself calm and said " yes, why? while looking at him suspiciously. He then said " uh, uh Kate?" I then said "yes?" He replied " I am so sorry that I'm late, I lost track of time."

      Rick's POV
I hope she does not think too badly of me. I was late, but not on purpose, most of the times I am late but on purpose when I don't want to go somewhere but it just honestly slipped my mind. Kate finally replied " well at least you came, but I don't really feel like sitting and eating anymore." I then replied "oh okay, that's fine , we can just walk and talk and get to know each other if you'd like ?" She agreed, but asked if they could get dessert at Max Brenner's since she heard it was really good. Of course I said yes and paid . She ended up getting their famous skillet cookie to go. As we were eventually walking I said "So tell me about yourself Kate, favorite color, worst movie, favorite movie; I want to know it all." She started laughing and her laughter made my heart race. Her laugh brought joy to my ears. She told me all about herself while still being guarded. We talked about nothing and everything. We stopped by a small diner and got burgers. She eventually asked if I wanted  some of her dessert from Max Brenner and of course I said "yes" because it looked absolutely heavenly when they brought it out.

                               Kate's POV
At first this date was off to a bad start but as the night progressed it turned out to be a very great first date minus all the bumps and hiccups. The cookie skillet was melting in our mouths. As Rick took the first bite he said " oh my god, this tastes like heaven." I laughed and said " so you are a chocolate person then I take it ?" He replied, " absolutely, chocolate is definitely my weakness. We definitely have to go back there sometime minus the whole me being late thing." I laughed and said " why, are you asking me on a second date, Mr. Castle?" He looked so nervous and cute, he then replied " Yes, I believe I am.. wait how do you know who I am? Have you known all this time ?" I replied " anyone who loves reading mystery books knows who you are, and you're also not very hard to recognize when you're in the tabloids every other week." He smiled and then said " fair enough, by the way what's your last name and what do you do for a living since you know about me already?" I really dislike this part about dates, because telling them I am homicide detective is usually where they say nice stuff and that second date never occurs. I finally replied and said that " I am a homicide detective." While watching his face to see what his reaction was going to be.

TO BE CONTINUED......TBC.....TBC 🕵🏾‍♀️
If you ever visit NYC and love chocolate, I definitely recommend trying Max Brenner's. Posting a photo of the cookie skillet that they were eating in the story ( yes the photo is from my visit there 😂).


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