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like cotton candy, fluffy towels and flamingos.

it wasn't a lie that he had suggested they start playing. of course, who else would brighten the mood; nobody had that much strength. he kept the bright smile on his face as he stared at his friends. wincing slightly, as he got his hair ruffled. trying not to break.. not now.

being the youngest was said to be fun. 'it's not that hard'. he was truly happy of course, he didn't have to fake anything. yang jeongin, the boy he was; turned his attention back to the television as felix chose their favourite game to play. the latter didn't notice when the younger's smile faltered when he made an offhand comment about how he was playing. he didn't see his fingers being twisted under his sweater, in an attempt to keep calm. felix didn't see it

but someone else did.

it was like that from the first day. yang jeongin, the baby. the smallest boy in the team. everyday, he told himself how lucky he truly was. so many children didn't even have friends to talk with, he was clearly the happier one here. did it really matter to him anymore? he didn't know anymore..

the people who did socialie with him hmm, they were different; to say the least. they would pay attention to him and then blatantly ignore the boy, as if nothing ever happened. one day, they completely cut off the relation. why?

because jeongin had come out as gay.

it's funny, how a simple thing like homosexualiy could destory relations faster than anything  else. his parents were angels, they managed to understand how their son truly fel and accepted him for that. then, if they could;

why couldn't anyone else understand as well?

jeongin was torn between hurting ohers or taking the pain upon himself. if he made friends, he would have to tell. jeongin wasn't the tye of person to hide his real image for anyone. his freinds would either have to accept how he realy was or else not be friends with him at all. jeongin settled fo the next best option. 

he vented his feelings in another form, writing lyrics that truly described his real feelings. day after day, jeongin spent singing. his voice, which was weak and barren at first was now a powerful change maker of what it used to be. this, this was jeongin's way of expression. and maybe, just maybe-

his new friends would understand that.

he met felix and jisung in high school. both of them had pretty different personalities, jisung being more on the quiet side than felix, who was a literal sunshine. jeongin fit in nicely with both of them, being the happy small child. yang jeongin, the boy sorry man he was. how much had he evolved. there were still moments though, where he felt if he really mattered to his friends. how loud he know if they weren't just using him? did they even like him?

"-nnie? jeongin? you there?"

the black haired boy turned to face his red headed friend. of course, he had noticed hadn't he? seungmin, he was jeongin's biggest support right now. nobody understood him like the older did. it could be minor age gap or even the fact that they had known each other before stray kids had come into picture but jeongin trusted seungmin with his life. he smiled at the concerned look that his friend gave him before licking up his controller and facing the television again, pausing to respond to felix's attempts at cracking jokes.

he felt seungmin smile beside him. felix screaming as he reached the finish line, jeongin not that behind him. jisung racing down the stairs. everything. it was so, so-

it was so right.

at that moment jeongin didn't care if he was unlikeable, if he was gay or even if his views didn't match with anyone else's. his members, the ones gathered around him. changbin's slight smiles, hyunjin's sweet ones. jisung's loud laughter, felix's high pitched giggles, minho's soft chuckles and chan's appreciation. it was music to jeongin's ears. he felt so loved.

that's what the youngest was supposed to feel right?

im actually so disappointed in this chapter.

also, there's a reason why im abandoning the age order in which i started the chapters in. you'll figure it out soon ;)

or maybe you never will lmao.

okay today's question!!

-jeongin's liking towards music.. would it affect the plot?-

see y'all next chapter :D!!

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