Eid Ka Chaand

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It is a glimpse into the lives of the Khan children and Meerasim. Little snapshots in time..

For reference, the epilogue is linked below.

Murtasim- Meerab's family

Muntasir Waqas Khan - (M) 24
Mehr Khan and Maham Khan ( F) ( Twins) 22
Meraj Khan (M) 18
Mehrab Khan ( M) 16
Maaz Khan ( M) 15
Meesam Khan ( F) 12

Mariyam- Zaroon Ali
Usman Ali 22 years ( M)
Zoya Ali 18 years ( F)
Rizwan Ali 12 years ( M)

                          Eid ka Chaand

Murtasim had taken the morning off, but had to go into the office for the rest of the day. The moon sighting commuter had yet to sight the moon but he wasn't taking any chances. Before he left, he had taken care of his Meerab, who was now heavily pregnant with their fourth child. She sat on the sofa and he helped her bring her legs up to stretch out. He cringed as he noticed her ankles swollen to the point of melding into her calves, and he was once again grateful to be a man. She fussed a little and wiggled onto her side, her hand pressing into the side of her stomach and rubbing circles into the area.

"Are you alright?" He asked, hating to see her in this discomfort and realizing it happened more and more frequently the closer they got to the due date.

"Uh huh." She said absently and she reached out and took his hand, placing it over the spot. "Our baby is just trying to show me who it thinks is running the show right now."

Murtasim smiled at the sharp kick that landed on his palm. He loved feeling the baby move inside Meerab . Sometime while she slept he'd rest his hands on her swollen belly and marvel at the moves... sometimes trying to egg the baby into movement when he felt it was too still, and usually getting caught by his wife and earning himself a kiss. As he gently massaged the area, he looked up and saw Meerab's eyes were already shut and her breathing was evening out. She was tired a lot lately. Reaching up he smoothed the fall of her dark hair off her face. He got up and pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and settled it over her, tucking it in at her feet because he knew they got cold easily. He kissed her forehead and left for the office.

When he came home a few hours later she still slept on the couch and Maham knelt at the coffee table beside her working on a picture. At the sound of her father coming home she looked up with a serious expression.

"Shhh!" Maham told Murtasim sternly, clearly having self-appointed herself her mother's watchdog. "Ammi is sleeping."

Murtasim merely raise a brow at his daughter before he handed off his coat to a maid and then came into the living room. He sat in a chair near Maham and looked at what his daughter was doing.

"What's all this?"

"It's my buildings." She said proudly holding up the paper covered with crudely crayoned skyscrapers. "The ones I'm going to build when you're dead and I'm the boss."

Murtasim froze for a second at the glee in his baby girl's voice, before he leaned back in the chair and commented drolly. "I'm not dead yet..."

"I know." She rolled her eyes at her father's foolishness. "When you're old, and after I've put you away in an old home.. I will build them"

Ignoring the sudden panic that he felt, he cleared his throat.

"Let's have a look?" He asked holding out his hands, and Maham gave her father the paper before climbing up into his lap. They sat there for a few moments as Maham explained the drawing and ger plans, and Murtasim listened as carefully as he would to his most important investor. When she was done Maham looked up at her father. Waiting.

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