Warp mix up

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It had all started so simply for Pearl and the Crystal Gems. They had just finished another mission, which consisted of inspecting an ancient gem outpost on Earth and defeating a gem monster that had invaded it. This was a pretty average mission in Pearl's case, where she would mostly tell Steven not to touch anything, preach on about the outpost's history and scold Amethyst for leading the monster to them by not following her plan. Now they were about to return home after a hard day's work.
As the gem's walked back to the location of their warp pad, Pearl just happened to be in the middle of one of her famous "Amethyst arguments".
"How many times do I have to stress this, Amethyst? This was supposed to be a stealth mission!"
"Yeah, I know, but I didn't hear the "fun police" say anything about not looking around", argued Amethyst. Amethyst's eyes suddenly turned upward in something of a dreamy expression. "That shiny rock would've been so sweet in one of my junk piles."
"Yes, the 'shiny rock' that happened to be a part of the corrupted gem" Pearl prattled on. "The same corrupted gem that nearly fried Steven!"
"He's been through worse", muttered Amethyst.
"And shiny objects are often the most tempting", Steven replied, sounding rather unfazed.
Pearl immediately felt herself getting flustered, something that she often tried to do as little as possible, but often failed at miserably. "Well, what if Steven had been seriously injured", Pearl spat back. "We still don't know if he can regenerate."
"Hmm, your right," Amethyst said quizzically, before immediately switching back to her goofy demeanor. "Why don't we find out," she said playfully hitting her palm with a fist.
"AMETHYST!!", Pearl squawked so loudly that all the birds were scared out of their trees. Garnet, Amethyst and Steven stared at her, speechless. It took about three seconds for Pearl to realize her reaction, before covering her mouth and saying nothing as the Gems walked the rest of the way back to the warp pad.

The Gems took their places on the warp pad, with Steven about to start concentrating on warping them home. "Hold on," said Pearl. "Maybe I should take this one, I don't think Steven is ready to take full control of the warp pad yet."
"Yeah, unlike all those other times that Steven got us home", Amethyst retorted sarcastically, earning her a small glare from Pearl.
"Why do you have to be so high maintenance all the time, P?", Amethyst said. "Seriously, doesn't it ever get old with your "be careful" this and "what if" that? We all made it out okay."
Pearl couldn't help but tense up upon hearing these words, as the blue blush continued to creep onto her cheeks. "But...but I'm just showing concern for our wellbeing," she replied, managing to regain her composure. "I've seen a great many things during my time serving in the war, and I can tell you from experience that things are not always how they appear," she stated rather proudly. "No matter how harmless, or shiny, something seems, a warrior mustn't let such things distract them from the prize at hand."
"You'd think a warrior that would be a little more adventurous", Amethyst said under her breath, which Pearl unfortunately heard.
"I'll have you know that I'm still as adventurous as I've ever been!", Pearl said, before shyly turning to Garnet and Steven. "You two think I'm adventurous, right?" Steven looked like he was desperately trying to find any kind of excuse; Garnet just stared blankly through her visor before quickly saying "Take us home, Steven."

Just as the Crystal Gems had made it a few feet of the ground, however, Pearl noticed that Steven was looking quite puzzled, as his eyes darted around in search of some unknown source. Unfortunately, it's never a good idea to break concentration while your warping. At that very moment, the warp stream that was carrying the Gems began to disintegrate from the ground up. Pearl felt her throat clench up in terror. She could already feel the gravity beginning to increase at the Gems' feet, threatening to drag all of them down and send them plummeting towards the earth. Just as the disappearing stream was about to catch up to them, Garnet quickly took over with concentrating on the warp and restored the stream.

I knew Steven wasn't ready to use the warp pad yet!" a very exasperated Pearl cried out. "Steven you are forbidden to take command over the warp stream until further notice", she said, prompting Steven to hang his head in shame. Instantly, Pearl was flooded with regret and began to put on her "mothering voice."
"I'm sorry, Steven, but you should at least know the importance of staying focused by now. Not only could you have gotten seriously hurt by failing to maintain the warp stream-,
"I know", Steven interrupted "but I heard this weird sound when we started taking off."
Pearl just cocked an eyebrow.
"But I did! It sounded kind of like of this." Steven began making what can be described as a cross between a loud screeching and hissing with his mouth. Pearl was about to continue with her little lecture, when a grim thought suddenly crossed Garnet's stoic face.
"Perhaps something, or someone, is trying to interfere with the warp streams". Everyone fell silent.
"Homeworld Gems?", Pearl asked.
"I can't gaurantee, but let's not leave out any possibilities.", responded Garnet
"Uh, is it just me, or is that weird sound Steven mentioned getting louder?", Amethyst broke in. Sure enough, all the Gems (and Steven) could suddenly hear that same bizarre screeching/wheezing sound. It appeared to be coming from outside of the stream and it was only getting louder. Around the same time, Pearl could feel a strange hammering feeling in her gem. She suddenly began clutching her head, crying out in pure agony. Her screams became distorted as her body began flickering in and out. This was all she had time to remember, before a massive object hit the warp stream; a flash of light... and then darkness.


Alarm bells rang throughout the massive sterile control room of the TARDIS. Sparks flew from the control panel as the lone figure operating the controls tried to regain his balance. A few seconds later, the ringing of the alarms began to dim just as the lights began to brighten and the ship stopped rocking. For any other space traveller this kind of incident, would usually be a cause for alarm; but this traveller was the Doctor.
"It's going to be one of those days", he muttered. He gently ran his hand along the control panel as he spoke "What seems to be the problem this time, old girl?"
The Doctor began searching around the central room, attempting to find the source of this problem. "Did we hit something? An anomaly in the Time Vortex?", he began musing to himself. That was when the Doctor came upon a thin, lightly coloured body lying unconscious at the foot of the control panel.
"Nope, just another unexpected visitor."

Aaaaand... we're out. I'm going to be taking a break on my Scott Pilgrim fanfics; this idea was just too good to pass up. Anyway, I'm sorry if I didn't give Garnet much to do and please leave some votes or, if you have anything nice to say, comments.

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