The Fall of Star Quartz (part 1)

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From the moment a rambunctious Quartz soldier had knocked open the doors of the TARDIS, the Doctor saw everything in a hazy blur. One minute Star Quartz' underlings were carrying the TARDIS over their heads. Then, when his senses came to him again, he'd been tossed onto the floor of some kind of control room for the war ship, with a lone Ruby working the dashboard. There was a line of various Quartz soldiers on either side of the room, a snarling Star Quartz standing between him and the TARDIS. Star Quartz gave him a kick to the jaw, earning a few stunned gasps all around. He barely had time to get on his knees before Star Quartz gave him another kick, this time in the rib cage.
"You have humiliated the New Diamond Authority for the last time you little blob of flesh!"
"How did I humiliate you exactly?," the Doctor protested, trying to pick himself up to face her.
"I-I didn't say this had anything to do with me, I'm talking about the good of this colony," spluttered Star Quartz as her face grew hot at the cheeks.
"I get it," the Doctor replied, his face strong and stoic despite the heavy bruise appearing on his cheek. "A soldier is feeling insecure all because of one human. You think that turning me in might get you back on Grey Diamond's "good side". Well, even then what evidence do you have against me for 'harming the Authority?'"
"General Star," called the Ruby pilot. Star Quartz raced to the dashboard and through the ship's windshield spotted cracks beginning to appear on the ground outside. She turned back to the Doctor with a furious glare.
"What have you done to the Cluster?"
The Doctor kept quite not wanting to draw any attention to Pearl.
"Talk!", bellowed the general, as she summoned her twin blade weapon, and dropped the diamond prism she carried. A Green Crystal Quartz reached out from the side and pulled her commander back. Star Quartz snarled at the soldier.
"No moving out of line!", cried Star Quartz, but the Crystal Quartz put her hands up in a nervous, cautious manner
"S-sorry, but I just don't think Grey Diamond would appreciate the uncalled for death of a human...I-I mean she did say that she wanted it br-brought to her after all," explained the Crystal Quartz, gesturing to the prism-a Gem communications device to Grey Diamond.
Star Quartz sighed and made her weapon disappear, before turning towards the Doctor.
"Well, Doctor," she said as she strode up to her helpless quarry. "The bad news is that you'll probably get put in the Human Zoo, which is hardly an appropriate punishment if you ask me. The good news is, that Pearl won't even have a chance of getting a trial once Grey Diamond finds out what you've done to the Cluster. Of course, I didn't say it was good news for you."
Pearl held her breath as she saw the small coloured flecks of Gem soldiers swarming on the horizon. Within a second, two Quartz'- a Citrine and an Ametrine-blocked her view having just come out of the Citadel.
Pearl summoned a spear and pointed it, attempting to get in some charge shots at their feet. But just behind the soldiers' heavy gazing faces, one of Star Quartz' Roaming Eyes was approaching from the front. Every way that Pearl looked led to almost certain capture.
"Well, looks like the cavalry arrived to take you back to where you belong, pearly" the Ametrine chortled upon noticing the Roaming Eye on the move.
"Yeah, shining Grey Diamond's boots," added the Citrine. "Now if you'd kindly just sit still we can take you there personally, no harm done," she said, advancing upon Pearl.

Pearl fired a charge shot at the Citrine's feet, knocking the larger Gem back a bit. Pearl bolted back to the front of the Citadel, the orange beam of the Roaming Eye catching her and beginning to close in. With the Quartz' running at her from the side and the Roaming Eye dead ahead, Pearl's mind was racing.
How can I get to the Doctor being surround like this? She looked back at the Citadel door for a second.
I might be able to lose them if I went back inside, but that will cost me valuable time.
Pearl was brought back to reality when a tremor broke out from beneath her, sending the Amethyst and Jasper toppling onto their faces. As Pearl looked at their feet, trying to maintain her balance, she could see cracks begin to form from beneath Citadel, reaching out past her feet and creating a split in the ground between her and the Quartz'. Suddenly, Pearl's mind stopped racing altogether. One look at the ground being torn apart and she had one more crazy idea. Turning on her heel, Pearl bolted for the door of the Citadel, opened it with her Gem and ducked back inside the ominous building.
"Prison ship to Roaming Eye 1 and 2. Come in Roaming Eyes," Star Quartz' Ruby spoke into a microphone on the prions ship's dashboard. "Have you found the rebel Pearl?" The Rubies piloting the Roaming Eyes responded with a no, and the war ship Ruby just shook her head at Star Quartz, who bit on her finger in pure anxiety. Just then, a tiny voice crackled through the microphone, calling out "Roaming Eye 3 to base, Pearl has been found, repeat, Pearl has been found!" The moment she heard this, Star Quartz shoved her Ruby out of the way and snatched up the microphone.
"Yes, yes, where is she?!", barked Star Quartz. "Tell us where she is now!"
"Umm...that's just the thing," the Roaming Ruby said honestly. "We don't know where she is."
"What do you mean?!"
"Well, the Roaming Eye can't really see through walls", the Ruby answered. "Maybe if you could send us like a spy drone. Yeah, and can it be coloured-"
"Through walls, what in the universe are you talking about!!?", Star Quartz asked, grinding her teeth through each word.
"The Pearl went inside the Citadel," the Roaming Ruby replied earnestly. "And the Roaming Eye can't see inside so-"
"AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO GO IN AFTER HER?!!", cried the General in a blaze of fury.
Star Quartz slammed the microphone back onto the dashboard, cursing to herself about how Rubies are too stupid to pilot ships (which her own pilot may or may not have heard) and pointed a twitching finger at a pack of Jaspers, standing in line along the right of the room.
"You four, focus on that 'blue thingamjig' and make sure that the Doctor or it don't go anywhere!" she barked. "I'm going to get the rebel Pearl personally, even if I have to send her back Grey Diamond in a thousand pieces!"
The four Jaspers quickly placed themselves around the TARDIS in small square formation, then Star Quartz bolted to the automatic doors and exited the control room.
Pearl slid into the hall of corridors and quickly picked out the one which led to the Crystal Heart. She knew that the Citrine and Ametrine would still be after her and she had to keep moving. Pushing her legs, Pearl opened one more door and stood once again in the Crystal Heart chamber. The vein that she had destroyed was now completely gone, but their were plenty of other green veins extending into the floor beneath her. Anyone of them could lead her to the Doctor. Or an underground dungeon. Or the middle of absolutely nowhere.
What am I thinking? This is a pure gamble, it can't work.

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