New Diamond, New World

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General Star Quartz was feeling stressed. Panicked. Humiliated. And exhausted. But stressed above all else. She had scoured every inch of the underground network to find her prisoners, but to no avail. She wasn't so much concerned about how a couple of fugitives were now on the loose in a Gem colony, but more so about how this altercation would affect her. The face of the New Diamond Authority. The one who had entrusted her with keeping watch over this blue mud ball of a planet. Her head clutched in her hand, Star Quartz glumly turned to face the door of the Citadel command centre.

"I would have had the renegade Pearl shattered by now, had that-that-'doctor' not gotten in the way." Star Quartz had never suspected that a human being would work with the Crystal Gems, let alone outsmart her. He was no ordinary Earthling. As she opened the command centre door with her gemstone, Star Quartz pushed her wild thoughts to the corner of her mind and attempted to compose herself. The command centre was a room filled with rows of computer terminals across the floor, where technician and scientist Gems were observing the vital signs of the Cluster. Just behind the terminals was a massive window, that peered into a hangar bay filled with pod ships standing idle.

"Status report," requested Star Quartz in the most stern voice she could muster.

"Oh...general", gulped a turquoise coloured Agate Gem sitting at a console; one of the head observers. "We weren't expecting you to be back soon...we heard about the execution and-"

"Shut up and give me the stats," spoke Star Quartz with a dismissive gesture of the hand.

"Of course," muttered the Agate nervously. As soon as her attention was fixed on her terminal again, her eyes bulged. "What? The Cluster is-"
The command centre shook as another eruption of pained screams burst upward from all sides of the room.

"Ugh" scoffed Star Quartz through gritted teeth. "Damn that good for nothing overgrown boulder! What could it possibly want now?!

"Uhh...well", stammered Agate, who had found herself at top of Star Quartz' ever mounting fury. "For lack of-of-of...a better word... the Cluster has been...injured." She pointed at a red blip on her terminal screen. "An outside force has attacked one of the main links between the Cluster and the Crystal Heart."

Star Quartz shoved Agate aside to get a look at the screen; she glowered at it, as if it was yet another thing that had shown up to mock her today.

"What could've caused-"

"General!" the Agate piped up with a start.

"What!!?", snapped the exasperated General. The Agate shrunk in her chair as she lowered her hand from the earpiece that had been chatting away to her for the past half a minute.
"Uh...the squad that was observing the Cluster are coming up," she squeaked. "They-they have something to show you."
Star Quartz growled lowly, with a roll of her eyes, "Great, more surprises."
Sure enough she spotted a convoy of pod ships, just entering, through the hangar window and one of them was toting a green bubble. As the ships landed, Star Quartz took one look at the bubble and what she saw made her eyes go as wide as the sun. One of her prisoners-the human- was in there, practically gift wrapped for her. Just like that, Star Quartz bolted down into the lift to the hangar bay to meet this 'surprise' head on.

"Well, well, well," she spoke, her voice still low despite the wide grin on her face as she strode towards the Doctor slowly and haughtily. "If it isn't the Crystal Gem's little 'suicide bomber.'"

"I wouldn't cross me if I were you", said the Doctor, pulling out his sonic. "I still have my 'bomb' right here, you know."

Star Quartz gave a small nod to the pilot of the pod ship and within a second the bubble dissolved, leaving the Doctor to plop onto the floor. Star Quartz scooped up the sonic with one hand as the Doctor was still recovering and then looked at him with a smirk that was both condescending and curious.
"We have much to discuss, you and me."
The Doctor shuffled in the center of a hexagon made up of the most steely Quartz' he had ever seen. Naturally, the leader of the pack was Star Quartz, who marched her parade of worker bees and their captive down a hall and into the central room. But what the Doctor didn't know was that someone familiar was watching him at this very moment.

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