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The evening began like any other my family gathered around the worn wooden table, our faces illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight.

"Aya pass me the mash potatoes" Eric asked eagerly.

I roll my eyes with a smile on my face I tease "I don't think you need to eat any more mash potatoes Eric, soon you'll be looking like one too". Reaching for the plate beside and handing it towards him.

His smile grows "Great then we'll really be identical twins" He giggled taking the plate of mash potatoes out of my hand.

Our fighting was interrupted "You two need to stop fighting each other, you guys aren't seven anymore "dad chuckles. ,

With the comforting aroma of my mother's cooking filling our small home and the sounds of laughter echoing through the walls. I couldn't help but not smile. I was so grateful to have such an amazing family I wouldn't trade the world for them.

It was a knock at the door that shattered the fragile peace, the sound echoing like a harbinger of doom in the silent night. My father, ever the picture of strength and resolve, rose to answer it, his brow furrowed with concern as he exchanged a glance with my mother. We lived in a secluded area as dad didn't like the city area. I never bothered though I loved our small little house and the acres of green grass surrounding it.

"Who could it be at this time of night?" I asked while stuffing a spoon of food in my mouth.

I watched my fathers face go stern and concerned as he kept exchanging quick glances with mom. Mom eyes were filled with worry and soon I found myself start to worry too.

I watched from my place at the table, my heart pounding in my chest, as a man stepped into our home—a man whose very presence seemed to cast a shadow over the room. His features were obscured by the darkness, but his eyes burned with a fierce intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Ah, my good old friend Will," the man said, his voice dripping with malice as he locked eyes with my father. "Long time no see Will . . ."

My father's jaw clenched at the accusation, his fists tightening at his sides as he stood his ground. "I have done everything that was asked of me," he replied, his voice steady despite the tremor of fear that ran through him. "Now what is your business with me?"

Me and Eric shoot a look at each other we could both tell something was truly wrong. I could see Eric mouth to mom the words "what's going on?" Mom's eyes were as wide as if she had seen a ghost. She nods her head and signals us to keep quiet. My eyebrows furrow in confusion me and Eric both give each other a long stare.

But the man only sneered in response, his lips curling into a twisted grin. "Oh Will you'll always be the forgetful one huh?," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "And yet, here I stand, empty-handed."

The tension in the room reached a boiling point, the air thick with the promise of violence as the man and my father squared off. I could feel the weight of the unspoken threat hanging over us, a threat that seemed to suffocate the very air we breathed.

And then, in an instant, it erupted—a flurry of motion and sound as the man lunged forward, his hand grasping for the weapon at his side. My father brought back with the sight of the weapon tries to fight for it with the strength he possessed, but he was no match for that unruly man.

"DAD" I screamed standing up from my chair my voice raspy with desperation and dread. Watching my brother Eric dash ahead, oblivious to the danger lurking in the turmoil, made my heart pound in my chest. "Eric, no—!" I screamed as I tried in vain to stop him by grabbing his arm. However, he brushed off my hand, his will stronger than my weak attempts to keep him safe.

My heart pounding like a hammer hitting a nail, I watched in horror as the violence unfolded before me, helpless to intervene as my brothers rushed to my father's aid. And then, the sound of continuous loud bangs ripped my eardrums. My heart drops as the realization hits me it was over—the man standing triumphant amidst the wreckage of our lives, his eyes cold and devoid of remorse.

My whole world went upside down in a span of 3 minutes it feels like I'm dying as I gasp for breath looking at the lifeless bodies of My world. His eyes were lifeless they weren't sparkling like they were a few minutes ago the smile had been wiped of his face. Eric my dear brother . . .

My moms scream pierces my ears as she runs towards my brother and fathers lifeless body. Before she could even get to them she was stopped by a bullet right to the head. My eyes widen in fear and horror

As I stood frozen in shock, my mind struggling to comprehend the horror that unfolded before my eyes, a wave of dizziness washed over me. The scene played out in a surreal blur, the air heavy with the stench of blood and darkness.

My legs wobbled beneath me, my vision blurred and swayed. The sight of lifeless bodies, once vibrant with laughter and love, now twisted and broken, drained the color from the world around me. The floor seemed to tilt and spin, threatening to swallow me whole.

And then, with a sudden rush, darkness enveloped me like a suffocating blanket. The world faded to black as my consciousness slipped away, consumed by the overwhelming horror of it all. 

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