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Ezra's POV: 

I gently carry Lily out of the infirmary, her small form cradled in my arms, and carefully place her on her bed. Her room, adorned with hanging butterflies and twinkling fairy lights, exudes a sense of warmth and comfort that soothes my troubled mind. As I stroke her hair and tenderly caress her cheeks, I try to push aside the turmoil brewing within me.

Her eyelids flutter open slowly, and she groans softly, her voice tinged with confusion, "Why did you take me away from mommy? We were playing with dolls."

The word "mommy" pierces through me like a dagger, igniting a surge of anger within me. "She's not your mommy," I snap sharply.

Lily's eyebrows knit together in a puzzled frown. "But Daddy said—"

"Daddy lied," I interject, my voice rising with frustration. "She's not your mother!" My words echo in the room, filled with a mixture of resentment and anguish.

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes as my voice grew harsh, guilt coursing through my veins like a torrent. "Lily, I'm so sorry," I apologize hastily, regret gnawing at my insides.

She turns away, burying her face in her stuffed animal, her voice barely a whisper, "Just leave, Ezra," the words tinged with pain.

I rise from the bedside, gently rubbing her shoulder in a futile attempt to offer comfort. "I'm sorry, Lily," I murmur softly, the weight of my words heavy with remorse. I never meant to hurt you, but I couldn't bear to see you misled. That woman is not your mother, and she never will be.

Feeling a pang of remorse, I kneel down beside Lily's bed, reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. "Lily, I'm sorry," I murmur, my voice laced with regret. "I didn't mean to upset you."

She remains silent, her back turned towards me as she clings to her stuffed animal. The air feels heavy with tension, weighed down by the weight of my words and her wounded feelings.

"I'll leave you alone for now," I say softly, standing up and taking a step back. "But if you ever need anything, I'm here, okay?"

Still facing away from me, Lily gives a small nod, her response barely audible. With a heavy heart, I turn and leave the room, the weight of my actions hanging heavy on my conscience.

As I step out into the hallway, the echoes of Lily's pain linger in the air, a stark reminder of the fragile bonds that bind us together in this tumultuous world. 

Leaving Lily's room, I find myself grappling with a mixture of guilt and frustration. How could I have been so callous with her feelings? She's just a child, caught in the midst of this twisted web of deceit and betrayal.

As I walk down the dimly lit hallway, the memories of happier times with Lily flood my mind. Her infectious laughter, her bright smile—how could I have tarnished that with my harsh words?

Determined to make things right, I resolve to find a way to mend the rift between us. But as I turn the corner, I come face to face with Lady Marion, the maid, her expression unreadable as she leans against the wall.

"Is everything alright?" she asks, her voice tinged with concern.

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of how much to divulge. But then, realizing that we're both grappling with our own demons, I decide to open up.

"I just had a bit of a disagreement with Lily," I admit, my voice heavy with regret. "I didn't handle it well."

Lady Marion nods sympathetically, her eyes softening with understanding. "It's not easy, navigating all of this," she says quietly. "But you'll find a way to make things right. You always do."

Her words offer a sliver of comfort amidst the chaos of my emotions. With a grateful nod, I offer her a faint smile before continuing down the hallway, my thoughts consumed by the task of making things right with Lily. 

Stepping out onto the balcony, I let out a heavy sigh, the cool night air providing a welcome respite from the stifling atmosphere inside. Pulling out a cigarette, I light it with trembling hands, the flicker of the flame casting dancing shadows across the expansive grounds below.

As I take a drag, I can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at the edges of my mind. Aya's face lingers in my thoughts, her questionable behavior leaving me with more questions than answers. What is she planning? And more importantly, how does she intend to carry it out?

Leaning against the railing, I let the smoke curl around me, its bitter taste mingling with the bitterness of my thoughts. It's clear that Aya is playing some sort of game, but the rules remain frustratingly elusive. And with every passing moment, I find myself drawn deeper into her web of deception.

Closing my eyes, I try to piece together the fragments of information I've gathered so far. Aya's sudden appearance in our lives, her mysterious past, her connection to my father—all of it feels like pieces of a puzzle that refuse to fit together. Does she crave my father's wealth, his business, or our social standing? What could be her motive? I mean, why else would she agree to marry a man three times her age? All of Dad's previous wives attempted the same game, but they all failed in the end. Dad usually sees through people like her pretty quickly. How could he have been so naïve? It's glaringly obvious that she's trying to manipulate him. 

Is it because she's pretty? I mean yes she is but still. God what am I thinking. The bitter taste of the cigarette lingers on my lips as I shake my head, trying to dispel the unsettling thoughts that threaten to consume me. Is it possible that I've been drawn in by her beauty, her charm? It's a ludicrous notion, one that I quickly dismiss as I take another drag, the smoke swirling around me like tendrils of doubt.

But as much as I try to push the idea aside, it lingers in the recesses of my mind, nagging at me like an insistent whisper. Could it be that my father has been blinded by her beauty, that he's allowed himself to be swayed by her presence?

No, I refuse to believe it. He's not so easily manipulated. And yet, as I stand here on the balcony, enveloped in the darkness of the night, I can't shake the feeling that there's more to Aya than meets the eye.

With a frustrated sigh, I stub out the cigarette and turn back towards the mansion, determined to unravel the mystery that surrounds her.

 Whatever her intentions may be, I won't rest until I uncover the truth.

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