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Aya's POV: 

The night air wraps around me like a cloak as I make my way through the shadows of the mansion grounds. Each step is a deliberate effort to quiet the tumult of emotions swirling within me. Thoughts of Ezra linger, his cryptic presence leaving an indelible mark on my consciousness.

As I reach my room, I sink onto the plush cushions of the bed, the weight of the day's events pressing heavily upon me. Despite my best efforts to push them aside, memories of our ride together resurface, each moment etched vividly in my mind. 

Working with you Ezra wont be so easy. You're not convinced yet aren't you. But don't worry soon you'll fall into my plan too. I need him to open up to me more. I need to get him to like me somehow. 

The moons lights cast a glow into the room reminding me that I should sleep. I lay facing towards the ceiling trying to go to sleep but the thoughts the past kept me awake. It's been two weeks since they died. It's been two weeks since that monster killed them recklessly. Now I am staying here as his wife. I can't believe this. 

3 weeks earlier . . .

"Mom, Eric won't stop teasing me," I groan, darting into the kitchen where Mom is busy at work. Eric trails behind me, wearing a mischievous grin.

"I'm not teasing her, Mom, I promise," he insists with a smirk. Mom remains focused on her cooking, seemingly oblivious to our bickering as we continue our playful squabble in the background.

"He's taken my camera again," I grumbled, irritation lacing my words.

"I only wanted to snap a few shots," he countered, a playful smirk dancing across his lips.

"Well, find your own camera. Don't go pinching mine," I retorted, my annoyance palpable.

"Alright, alright. How about you gift me one on my birthday then, Aya?" he taunted, his tone dripping with cheekiness.

"Fine," I relented, unable to stifle a begrudging smile. "I'll get you a camera for your birthday."

Eric's grin widened triumphantly. "Remember, it's in three weeks," he reminded me, his tone teasing yet earnest.

"I won't forget," I replied, rolling my eyes playfully. "But don't expect anything fancy."

We exchanged one last teasing glance, a silent promise of the bond that would always endure, no matter the circumstances.

I wake up with a start, my heart pounding erratically against my ribcage. The warmth of the morning sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a golden glow across the room. It takes me a moment to shake off the remnants of the dream, the memory of Eric's playful banter lingering like a faint echo.

"Eric's birthday is coming up," I murmur, a wistful note tingeing my voice. My heart aches at the thought 

With a sigh, I push aside the covers and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, the cool wooden floor beneath my feet a sharp contrast to the warmth of the dream. As I glance around the unfamiliar surroundings of my new room, a sense of disorientation washes over me. It's been almost a week since I arrived at this mansion, yet the feeling of being a stranger in my own home still lingers.

As I stand by the window, lost in my thoughts, the distant sound of footsteps approaching draws me back to the present. Turning away from the window, I see Lady Marion enter the room, her kind eyes filled with concern.

"Good morning, dear," she greets me with a gentle smile. "How did you sleep?"

I return her smile with a nod, though the weight of my dreams still hangs heavy on my mind. "As well as can be expected," I reply softly, my voice betraying the turmoil within.

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