want to write a song together?

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Taylor hummed quietly to herself as she made her way down the stairs.

Despite being on lockdown due to the pandemic going on, Taylor has still been keeping busy as she works on new music.

She's been in her own little world for the last little while as she writes new lyrics, most of them so different from others she's written in the past and, truthfully, she's enjoying herself.

But she wanted to be sure that you were doing well and, since it was getting later in the evening, she figured she'd make you both some dinner.

However, when she was about halfway down the steps, she froze upon hearing you playing the piano.

She stood there for a moment as she just listened and wondered to herself how she hadn't found out until now that you were so talented at it.

And, to make it even more special, she heard your voice filling the room as you sang softly and quietly.

Following the sound, she appeared in the living room and leaned against the wall as she watched and listened with a proud smile.

"Who knew my girl was so talented?"

You jumped and let out a quiet gasp of surprise upon hearing her voice.

"Oh, Tay, you scared me." You chuckled before you pulled your fingers away from the keys.

"Baby, you're very good." She said as she came over and sat on the piano bench beside you.

"Thanks but I'm just messing around." You nervously said. "It's not that good."

"Stop it, it is too." She spoke as she playfully elbowed your side. "I didn't know you enjoyed playing the piano so much. And you can sing? You have a pretty voice."

You shook your head with a smile before laying your cheek on her shoulder.

"Hey, you know I'm trying to put some more music out. I like those lyrics. Can we sit here and try and get to the end together?"

"You want me to help you with a song?" You asked with big eyes, making hers sparkle.

"Yeah. It's something I've never done with someone I love and care about so much but I think it would be fun. It'll be a new experience for us both. What do you say, baby? Want to write a song together?"

It sounded like so much fun, how could you possibly say no?

Plus, it allowed you to spend even more time with Taylor as you both let your creative sides out and let your minds wander.

"That sounds so amazing. I'd love to." You grinned.

She cupped your cheek softly and kissed your lips lovingly, making your heart flutter.

When you pulled away to get a little air into your lungs, you saw how incredibly happy and excited she looked over the thought of doing this with you.

It meant just as much to her as it did to you.

"Okay, then, my muse. Where should we start?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around you. "Let's just go with the flow, and see where the music carries us."

"I have a couple of ideas." You spoke as she stared at you lovingly.

"Yeah? Well, maybe, we can make this our thing. I have lots of ideas for new lyrics and new music all the time. Getting to write and create such beautiful songs would be incredible."

"Okay." You happily agreed. "I'll tell you all my ideas then. But first, let's see what we can do here." You spoke before letting the music carry you once more.

You began to play again, letting your fingers move across the piano keys freely as idea after idea rushed through your busy brain.

And Taylor just listened and watched proudly, knowing that this album and the experience of creating it was going to be one of her favorites yet.

Little did she know how much this album would end up meaning to the world, eventually releasing during a time when everyone needed them more than ever, making it one of the greatest albums of her entire career.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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