OO; prologue

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WALKING INTO the room, Luna found her hand shaking with anxiety beside her hip

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WALKING INTO the room, Luna found her hand shaking with anxiety beside her hip. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to meet a man in a warehouse at night. She made a note in her mind to slap herself later for being such an idiot. She wasn't even forced to be powerless this time, but seemed to have left her advantage at the door when she walked into the eerie area. She glanced around, her stomach twisting in knots as she picked apart every detail of the room. It seemed to be an abandoned subway. There were a few smaller train cars in front of her, the metal was rusted and scratched up as if a pack of wild animals was attempting to escape it. The windows of the train were busted, the spare shards of glass sprinkling the cement floor. She turns at a sound from behind her, seeing a man creep out of the shadowy corner. He doesn't speak first, waiting for her to take the opportunity.

"I heard that you were searching for an army." She stated.

"You could say that. How did you find me?" He replied, his voice low and his arms crossed against his chest.

"You're not exactly hard to locate. I followed my brother to your old house, the charred one in the woods. I came to find out some interesting things about Beacon Hills. Werewolves... Alphas... Hunters..." She says, a straight line settling on her lips. "You bit my brother, Jackson, didn't you?"

"Is that what you came here for, Luna? You want the bite?" His lip twitches up slightly.

"Ah, evade the question. Hmm," She paused, pressing her finger against her chin as if pretending to think about it. "I mean, come on, Derek, is that even really a question?" She chuckles softly with a small grin. His facial expression doesn't move a muscle as she speaks. "Obviously I do." She resists the eye roll that threatens her eyelids.

"Are you sure?" He takes a step closer to the girl. "This isn't exactly reversible. It will change you in every way." His footsteps inch closer, her quickening heartbeat ringing in his ears as he approaches the girl. " There will be hunters, there will be pain." He settles in front of her, listening to the rhythmic beating of her pounding heart.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." Her heart beat is still pounding, but steady as she replies honestly.

"Okay." He glances her up and down. "But first, you don't need a confidence boost I see, so what makes you want this so bad?" He asks, his brows furrowing.

She sighs, preparing for the room to be filled with awkwardness. "Last year, I was at a party and one of the lacrosse boys was trying to hook up with me. I didn't want to, I said that. He wouldn't budge. I kept trying to push him off but he was so much stronger than me. I felt utterly weak, powerless. It didn't stop until Jackson pulled him off of me and broke his jaw in the process. I found myself wildly disappointed in myself, having to rely on my brother to fight my battles." Tears settled in her eyes, but she pushed them back. She stepped close to him this time. "I'm going to fight my own battles. I'm going to have the power and I won't let myself be weak again." She grits out, anger flooding through her veins.

Derek grins softly, satisfied with her answer. He doesn't form a reply, but he reaches down to grab her wrist, pushing up the sleeve on her black jacket to expose her wrist to him. "This is probably going to hurt." He snarls out with a soft smirk on his lips, his eyes growing into a deep red and fangs protruding from his canines. He inches his mouth closer to her wrists.

Luna squeezes her eyes shut as his teeth meet her skin. She bites her lip to hold back the cry of pain that threatened to slip past her lips. He lets go from the girl's wrist as she pulls out a large bandage with gauze on it. "What? I knew what I came for and I came prepared?" She shrugged. "Bet you can't say that for your other beta's." She smiled lightly, trying her best to lighten the air with a joke.

"No, I guess I can't." He replies, his tone stern. Neither of them speak, unsure if she should just leave or stay and chat. "The full moon is soon. You'll need to be chained up here, so you don't murder anybody." He says blankly.

"Noted. Guess I'll see you then." She says, leaving the room with a small grin on her face at the successful trip.

She smiled, she always gets what she wants.

(A/N:) Simple 820 words. Insight on how she got her bite mostly tbh. Stay tuned for the first official chapter!

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