O1; hanging back

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AFTER WAKING UP from a nap, Luna couldn't help but smile

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AFTER WAKING UP from a nap, Luna couldn't help but smile. She didn't even realize how late it was, the dark sky already sprinkled with shining stars. She glanced down at her bandaged wrist, the gauze covered in blood. She winced as the tape ripped from her skin, pulling the bloody gauze away to reveal. . . Nothing. Nothing but her soft vanilla skin rested below the bandage and her grin grew in success.

Throwing the bandage in the trash, she pulls on her favorite black jeans, a black tank top paired with a leather jacket – A freshly bitten werewolf classic – and her favorite pair of black combat boots. She freshened up her curled auburn hair that hit just below her collarbone and smiled at the mirror. Maybe it was the newly turned werewolf confidence, but damn she looked good. Her fingers met the cold metal of the necklace she wore everyday, a small silver chain with a pendant of a heart with the letter 'L' engraved. On the back, the etching read, 'Live by the sun, love by the moon'. The quote spoke to her in a way she'd never felt before. She got it as a gift from her brother on Christmas. He was an asshole to everyone, but never to her. He was always the one making sure she had eaten dinner that night, or made sure she didn't have any struggles on her homework, given their parents never cared about anything like that.

While Jackson had been adopted as a baby, Luna was born to his adoptive parents a few months before. Everyone told them not to adopt that soon after having a baby, but they were so heartbroken with Jackson's story, they couldn't help it. If only that sympathy lasted more than a few years, now they didn't care if the pair were dead in a ditch somewhere. Not like they'd even notice.

Her eyes snapped to her open window quickly, hearing an agonizing cry of something brutal. Someone was screaming in pain. Luna dipped her head out of the window, seeing nothing but a flickering light in the window across the street. She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look between the open curtains that covered the sides of the window.

She covered her mouth as she saw the shadow of a man, hovering over a small boy she knew as Isaac, who cowered against the wall. Luna gasps as the large shadowed man raises his fist, coming down against the boy.

She couldn't sit and watch this happen again. She had to help this time, stop this.

Running down the stairs, she flings open the front door, watching as Isaac grabs his bike and starts to ride down the road. Luna, with a fierce determination, runs in his direction. The area was dark and she could barely make out the sights before her. She squints her eyes, seeing a bike trail in the wooded area beside her.

She parked her car, locking it with a few shorts beeps. Luna knew she probably shouldn't walk into the woods after him with no flashlight or way to call for help if needed. She had a feeling in her gut that she didn't need to worry about it, she just needed to make sure he was okay.

The sound of leaves crunching ahead of her keeps her walking in the right direction. A twig breaks to her left, she follows the sound with no hesitation.

In The Stars ↬ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now