O3; flirting freaks

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AFTER THE FINAL bell echoed through the building, Scott and Luna stood at the top of the concrete stairs, looking down as the patrol car pulls away, Isaac sitting in the back seat staring back at the pair, silently asking for help

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AFTER THE FINAL bell echoed through the building, Scott and Luna stood at the top of the concrete stairs, looking down as the patrol car pulls away, Isaac sitting in the back seat staring back at the pair, silently asking for help. Derek's black Camaro pulls against the sidewalk after the police car leaves the parking lot. "Get in." He says as he rolls down his window.

Scott stops in his tracks, yelling back at him through his open car window. "Are you serious? You did that! That's your fault. And you bit my friend!"

"One, she asked me to. Two, I know I'm responsible. Now, just get in the damn car and help me."

"No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer, because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up." Scott replied sternly, holding his ground.

"Oh, Scott. That is so incorrect, the justice system is never that easy." Luna replies. Scott shot her a dirty look, which she returned with a light eye roll.

"Not when they do a search of the house." Derek says, slipping off his sunglasses.

"What do you mean?" Luna speaks before Scott can.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops– What's in that house is so much worse. A lot worse." He finishes and Luna had never wanted to know the answer to a problem so bad with the cliffhanging sentiment.

"The hell did he say to the cops?" Luna turned to Scott with her brows furrowed.

"Uhm, he said— He said he knew about Isaac getting abused but it 'wasn't his problem'." He finished with an awkward straight lined frown.

"Why the fuck would he say that??" She exclaims in disbelief at her selfish, idiot brother.

Reluctantly, the pair join Derek in his car and go to the Lahey household, right next to Luna's house. Stepping into the house, Luna shivers. She furrows her brows, a bad feeling settling in the pit of her stomach as the emotions in the house engulf her aura.

"Something bad happened, something devastating." She mutters out as she glances around the room.

"If Isaac didn't kill his father, then who did?" Scott asked, turning his gaze to Derek.

"I don't know yet." He says in reply. Luna continues inspecting the room, every single aspect. The dents in the wall where Isaac was slammed against it. The broken glass on the floor beside the dining table, presumably from last night before Luna found Isaac at the rock. There were broken glass cups next to the kitchen.

"Then how do you know he's telling the truth?" Scott raises a brow in Derek's direction, his tone filled with accusation.

"Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell."

"Y–you saw the lacrosse thing today." He replies nervously, something like embarrassment surrounding his aura.

"Yeah." Derek replied.

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