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JACKSON'S CAR PULLS into his usual parking space

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JACKSON'S CAR PULLS into his usual parking space. There was a trash can in front of the space, a homeless man leaning against it. "How is that allowed?" Luna says to Jackson as he sees the man.

"God, he looks like he's dying. He better not give me some kind of disease when I walk past him." He scrunches his nose, pulling on his sunglasses and grabbing his backpack, straightening up his leather jacket before opening his door with a confident smirk.

Luna looked at him and laughed. "I'm surprised he can fit in this parking lot with the size of your ego." She says, stepping out of the car. She wore a pair of heeled brown boots, a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight maroon T-shirt. She wore a leather jacket, which she almost always wore, on her shoulders. Her hearted 'L' necklace rests between her cleavage.

"Right, says you," Jackson scoffed. "You just got out of the car like it was a damn runway." He turns on his heels, approaching the sidewalk with the trash can. Scott and Stiles walk beside the silver Porsche, Luna walks to the pair.

"Hey, what's up?" She greets them.

Stiles chuckles. "Oh, nothing. Lydia just stole and probably ate a freaking liver."

"Excuse me, what?" Luna says in shock.

"We don't know that it was her. It could've been another supernatural being. Or just some freak who likes stealing and eating livers, but then that would mean that there's another supernatural threat in Beacon Hills." Stiles rambles nervously as they walk through the front doors of Beacon Hills High School.

"That would also mean there's a cannibal in Beacon Hills, Stiles." Luna looks at him like he's an idiot.

"Well, I..." He trails off. "I obviously missed that part." He scoffs in rebuttal, approaching the boys locker room to prepare for their morning practice. Luna, with absolutely no care in the world, walks in beside them.

"Coach is gonna kick you out, Luna." Scott chuckles as he sets down his lacrosse gear. The lacrosse team watches as Luna struts into the room. "You seem to be distracting the players." He laughs.

"That's not my problem." She shrugs. "Plus, I'm like Coach's favorite student. I have perfect grades and my brother is his 'lacrosse star'." She pulls her fingers up into quotations. Coach sees her resting against the lockers. He walks up to them.

"Whittemore Two, this is the boys locker room?" Coach says accusingly.

"C'mon, Coach. I'm too early to go to class! Plus, your players like eye candy." She flashes him a smile. Scott snickers beside her in support.

Coach squints his eyes, glancing around the room at the many players ogling her. "I'm– I've never been more disappointed in you boys." He turns to face the players, pointing his finger in accusation, simply walking into his office.

In The Stars ↬ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now