8.Embarrassed acts 🙃

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Shub leaned his back on the sofa feeling tired from all studying but there was satisfied smile on his lips as he has covered most of the portion of the chapters which will came in the test.

Shub:- thank you ishu.( took the tea cup from ishan's hand and took a sip) Ahh.... I really needed this.

Ishan:- I know. You have studied hard today shubi. Now you should eat and take a good sleep.

Shub:- I will. (After few minutes) I think, I should leave now.( kept the empty cup and stood up to leave.''

Ishan:- have You looked at the time?

Shub:- yep.. It's... Shit. It's 11:50 pm. I need to leave right now. uncle aunty must be worried for me.

Ishan:- It's too much late and your relative house is far from here. So, it will be better if you stay here tonight.

Shub:- no, ishu. I can g-

Ishan:- don't be an idiot and argue with me. you are not leaving and that's final. I am setting the dinner come and eat.

Saying this ishan left from there without looking at the taller man who stood there with a little pout as he got scolded by ishan.

Shub get's near the door and try to open it. He signed as after few attempts he understood the door was locked.

So finally, he followed the path where ishan went earlier as he reached the kitchen and dining area.

Ishan:- if you are done with your tries to open the door and leave from here then you can have your food now. (Kept the food plate on dining table.)

Shub:-I-i wasn't trying to open it.

Ishan:- sure cause I also didn't got the alarming message of someone messing with the door lock password.

Shub:-(got highly embarrassed) I-i am sorry.

Ishan chuckled when he saw shub being nervous and embarrassed now.

Ishan:- there is nothing to be embarrassed my jaan after all the person who own this place, you are the owner of him.

Shubman looked at ishan in confusion as he didn't understood Ishan's puzzled words.

Ishan:- don't think much and come, eat. You must be hungry shubi.

Shubman shrugged ishan's words from his mind and concentrated on the dishes  which actually made him happy as it was all his favourite.

Butter chicken with rice and naan

Butter chicken with rice and naan

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Lacha onion

Lacha onion

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Ishan pulled shubman and indicates him to sit as he served him

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Ishan pulled shubman and indicates him to sit as he served him.

Ishan:- come on, it's all your favourite so finish it fast.

Shub:- wait! how does you know that these are my favourite?

Ishan:-a-bb, MAYANK yes, mayank told me.

Shub:- But why would he tell you about my favourite food.

Ishan:- you know right whenever I comes infront of him he just starts blabbering anything without even thinking and from there I got to know. I even know that you like teddy bears. Well boys don't really like soft things so how c-----

Shub:-(felt embarrassed) ok ok, I Believe you. Now let me enjoy food.

Ishan signed in relieve when he successfully diverted shub's mind from his previous question.

Ishan:-* you are really innocent my jaan,  I know you are trying to get away from me but I can't just let go of my heart, so there is no way of escaping from me, my love.*


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